Board & Committee Members Brainstorming at US Naval Observatory Library June, 2009

Sally Bosken
Nancy Faget
Richard Huffine
Kim Lyall (phone)
Janet Scheitle
Doria Grimes
Jane Killian
Marie Nelson (phone)
Fran Perros
Maria Pisa (phone)
Jane Sessa
Helen Sherman (phone)
Erica Stiner (phone)

Here are the ideas shared in no particular order.

  • Promote ALA non-profit status when fundraising
  • Enhance relationships with other roundtables, especially NMRT
  • Identify those with talent and desire to do event planning
  • Recruit from more agencies; add diversity to the talent pool
  • Make it known that we welcome contract librarians; Be open to discussions about contract librarians
  • Capitalize on NMRT member's vitality; Seek millenials, fresh faces, more active memberships; Show new ALA members how they can become involved
  • Millenials believe ALA structure is too hierarchical and they don't understand how to become involved
  • Keep educating people about other job series for information professionals
  • Share information on number of federal librarians eligible to retire, number of federal employees the Obama administration wants to add
  • Help get federal librarians on ALA Council
  • Coalesce support among roundtables through the Round Table Coordinating Assembly to co-sponsor librarians to run for ALA Council
  • Use online mentoring group to capture knowledge of long-time federal librarians and those eligible to retire
  • Formalize mentoring for library school students
  • Seek more involvement, engagement, and sustainability
  • Collaborate with other professional associations (DC SLA, DCLA, SLA DGI, SLA MLD, ASIST); we were approached by incoming Potomac Valley Chapter president Tiffany Smith to co-sponsor activities with them; explore a local consortium
  • Can Roberta Stevens help FAFLRT raise funds?
  • Use retirees to ask for donations
  • Invite ASRC and InfoCurrent to sponsor FAFLRT
  • Discover which appointments ALA President makes to ALA committees; encourage FAFLRT members to apply
  • Create systematic written instructions for how and who to invoice; how does FAFLRT know when a check has been received or an invoice sent?; do we need a separate bank account; should invoices have checks sent to an address other than ALA WO?
  • Good outreach and competitive applications for FAFLRT awards arriving; Need more nominations for the professional awards categories; Should we change the awards process so that the board can directly nominate if no applications are received?  Shouldn't be simply the FAFLRT President designating someone, but perhaps the board;  a meeting might be called to discuss the possibilities
  • FAFLRT members should also apply for other association awards such as DC SLA
  • Hold more informal meetings such as this throughout the year; builds community, participation, and involvement
  • New librarians are motivated to join to discover how other federal librarians are best serving their patrons; they seek a greater connection for information and training opportunities
  • The online resume service is particularly useful