Federal & Armed Forces Libraries Round Table Board Meeting

ALA Annual Conference, Washington, DC

Monday, January 15, 2001, 9:30-12:30 (EST)

Madison Hotel, Washington, DC


Linda Resler, Stephanie R. Jones, Maria Pisa, Fran Perros, Mike Morrison, Wil Danielson, Ann Gorwitz, Joan R. Taylor, Arthalene B. Gordey, Addie Ross, Lucille Rosa, Jennifer Bushong, Carolyn K. Eaton, Jane Sessa, Shirley Loo, Donna E. Ramsey, Janet Ormes, Pat May and Reginald Scott (ALA staff liaisons)

  1. The meeting called to order at 9:55 AM by AFLRT President Linda Resler.
  2. Linda reviewed the discussions at yesterday's meeting. She also indicated that she will be unable to attend the ALA Conference in June; Nancy Davenport (FLRT President) indicated that she may be able to come on Sunday. Stephanie Jones (FLRT Past President) volunteered to chair any meetings if neither can be there.
  3. Newsletter. Both FLRT and AFLRT plan to continue their individual newsletters this year. Stephanie Jones and Carolyn Eaton volunteered to write a joint article to put into both about the merger. The new FAFLRT publication will start with volume 1 in the Fall. Jane Sessa will send the FLRT newsletter to both FLRT and AFLRT mailing lists.
  4. Logo and ribbon - Carolyn Eaton has drafted an idea for a logo which she will send out. Others can do so as well. ALA is now using horizontal ribbons. Some FLRT members were not happy with the past horizontal FLRT ribbon which did not display the red stripe when attached. The Board drafted two new options which Pat May agreed to price for us.
  5. Stephanie Jones asked about whether FAFLRT will have an intern for the Annual Conference. FLRT has had interns in the past, but did not get one last year. Pat May will look into getting one for us. An intern learns about the organization and gets acquainted with individual Federal and Armed Services librarians. We then write about the intern in the newsletter. The intern assists during the meetings, handling papers, helping the President, etc.
  6. Stephanie Jones recommended that we have a booth for FAFLRT in the Exhibit Hall. Linda and Stephanie will coordinate whether we will do this and, if so, who will be the coordinator. Stephanie will let Pat May know.
  7. We need a form letter for vendors who sponsor events for the organization. Stephanie has a list of vendors for FLRT and Carolyn Eaton for AFLRT. Linda will draft a letter from the two presidents.
  8. We also need correspondence for members of FLRT and AFLRT to announce the new organization. Reginald Scott will prepare a flyer to send to members of both organizations. Stephanie Jones will explore the possibility of an article in COGNOTES. Mike Morrison will draft a press release for library media thru ALA press office. We would also like to see an announcement on the ALA website and in American Libraries.
  9. Arthalene Gordey - AFLRT Treasurer reported a balance of $8475.
  10. Wil Danielson - FLRT Treasurer reported a balance of $1237.
  11. FLRT and AFLRT Board members reviewed and approved minutes of their last meetings
  12. Addie Ross/Shirley Loo - Awards. The Awards Reception will be held Friday evening June 15. Arthalene will check on a room for the Friday reception at the Marine Memorial. We want a room to hold around 150-175. Time: 6:00-8:30. If we are not successful with the Marine Memorial and we need to reserve a room through ALA, Linda will make a request.
  13. Linda Resler- Conference Meetings. Linda will request meeting rooms for a membership meeting on Sunday afternoon June 16 around 4:00 PM. Tentative times for Board meetings: Sat morning 9:30-12:30 and Monday afternoon 2:00-4:00 PM.
  14. Legislation Assembly report: Jane Sessa will be chairing ALA's Legislation Assembly.

    ALA's Committee on Legislation will present a resolution to ALA Council that urges reauthorization of the Library Services and Technology Act. All ALA organizations have been asked to support the resolution. A motion was passed in support of the resolution.

    The Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Government Information (GIS) of ALA's Committee on Legislation also will present a resolution to support adequate funding for the depository program ofr GPO.

    A motion was passed to give Jane Sessa authority to represent FAFLRT in the endorsement of these resolutions.

    GAO has been directed by the House Appropriations Committee to study moving many of the Superintendent of Documents functions to the Library of Congress. ALA wants to leave distribution of public documents in the legislative branch and is concerned that a move to LC might have an adverse effect on the depository program. GIS will ask ALA President Nancy Kranich to write a letter to GAO outlining ALA's concerns.

    GIS will ask ALA to send a letter to NCLIS that restates long held ALA policies supporting permanent public access and other principles ALA has always held with regard to public information. The ad hoc subcommitteee is concerned about an upcoming report and proposed legislation coming from NCLIS that will proposs creation of a new executive branch agency to oversee disemination of all government information.

  15. The meeting adjourned at 12:25 by Linda Resler.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Ormes, FLRT Secretary

Note: These minutes were approved at the xx/xx/xxxx FAFLRT Board Meeting.