FLRT Spring Board Meeting

Library of Congress

Madison Bldg., Room LM642

Wed., April 21, 1999


Andrea Gruhl, President

Stephanie Jones, VP/President Elect (attending via teleconference)

Jewel Player, Past President

Joan Taylor, Treasurer, Membership Chair

Janet Ormes, Acting Secretary, Website Chair

Fran Perros, Director

Maria Pisa, Director

Laurie Stackpole, Internet Chair

BJ Fox, AFLRT Liaison

Wil Danielson, GPO Liaison

Don Panzera, Personnel Chair

Patti Fields, Awards Co-Chair

Jane Sessa, ALA Legislation Comm.

Shirley Loo, Handbook Chair

Nancy Davenport, new VP/President Elect

Susan Tarr, Member

Visitor: Geraldine Otremba, Director, Congressional Relations, LC

Excused: Arlene Luster, Lynn McDonald, Sami Klein, Lee Porter, Steve Kerchoff, Richard Hanusey

  1. Meeting called to order by President Andrea Gruhl at 5:30 p.m.
  2. Susan Tarr and Geraldine Otremba made a presentation on the proposed FEDLINK/Federal Research Division revolving fund legislation. This would create a revolving fund similar to the one approved by Congress for the CAP Fund at LC. They would like a resolution from FLRT and ALA's Legislative Committee at the ALA Annual Conference in June in support of the proposed legislation. The legislation would allow agenies to carry over funds from one year to the next on FEDLINK procurements. It would correct the present situation where each year must be closed out and any excess refunded. They estimate that over $1M would be saved by FEDLINK customers every year. The revolving fund would apply to both service dollars and administrative fees. They will send more detailed information for the FLRT webpage as soon as it is available.
  3. Joan Taylor presented the Treasurer's Report. Estimated balance in the Treasury is $5,445.87.
  4. Minutes from the Jan. 30 and Feb. 1 meetings at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia were approved with one minor change.
  5. Shirley Loo reported on the Handbook's revision. She would like to include information on past FLRT programs and asked that members submit any information they have to her. She also asked for suggestions for "Fabulous Feds" in the Federal Librarian.
  6. Joan Taylor reported on membership statistics. As of Feb. 28, total membership was 349-- down 7 from last February.
  7. Jewel Player reported on the status of the FLRT/AFLRT merger. She handed out a list of comments received. Many of the issues had already been discussed at our merger meeting in Philadelphia. Issues still outstanding include makeup of the Executive Board, how to handle the newsletter(s), and the timing and location of Board meetings. Jewel agreed to draft the FLRT position on these issues for comment by Board members.
  8. Jewel Player reported on FLRT nominations. The ballot has been sent out by ALA. Members were encouraged to vote, especially for the Round Table Representative to be chosen from the small round table cluster.
  9. The group discussed possible co-sponsorship of an Outsourcing Program at ALA Annual in addition to our own program on Outsourcing. We have been approached by the sponsor, the AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee on Library Services to Labor Groups. Jewel Player introduced a motion that we not co-sponsor the program since we are presenting our own program on outsourcing with a different focus. Fran Perros seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Andrea Gruhl will inform the other committee of our decision.
  10. Patti Fields reported for the Awards Committee. The committee is ready to present the awards at ALA Annual.
  11. Stephanie Jones reported on plans for the Awards Luncheon. Flyers will be sent members. Checks for the $25 cost are to be sent to Lydia Rives. There will be an announcement on the FLRT List.
  12. B.J. Fox, who is the AFLRT Representative to the Congress on Profesisonal Educaiton, asked for comments for the Education Summit (April 30-May 1) to be sent to her. Comments should also be sent to Lee Porter, who is the FLRT delegate to the Congress.
  13. Fran Perros reported on Public Employees Roundtable. PER Public Service Awards Reception this year will be at the National Press Club Ballroom on June 29 from 6-8 p.m. Steny Hoyer, Congressman from Maryland, will receive an award for this work on behalf of Federal Employees. The Breakfast of Champions will be held May 3.
  14. Fran Perros reported for the Bylaws Committee. She will present the revised bylaws for a vote at ALA Annual. They have already been publicized in Federal Librarian and on the FLRT website.
  15. Stephanie Jones reported on FLRT events at ALA Annual. Our program is described on page 6 of the Spring Federal Librarian. Speakers include Herbert White (academia), Mary Ellen Bates (special librarian), Steven Sorad (contractor, lawyer), and Rosa Baker, who will speak on lessons learned from the Air Force library outsourcing initiative. The luncheon speaker will be Dr. Joseph Michelli.
  16. Donald Panzera reported for the Personnel Committee. He handed out a draft Personnel Survey, which will appear in the Federal Librarian, on the FLRT List, and at the FLRT website. Results will be reported at the Annual Membership Meeting.
  17. Laurie Stackpole reported on the FLRT Discussion List. She passed out the roster of subscribers, which included ninety addresses.
  18. Laurie Stackpole reported on advertising for the Federal Librarian. Two advertisers are interested in color ads, which will be priced by the printer.
  19. Maria Pisa moved that complimentary subscriptions to the Federal Librarian be given to the FLRT webmaster and the ALA Liaison. Stephanie Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  20. Wil Danielson reported as GPO Liaison. Since the Government Publications Reform Act (S-288) did not pass this session, the Superintendent of Documents does not anticipate that it will be introduced again in its entirety. Perhaps a section would be introduced at a time. It is assumed that Government publications will be more electronic and that both the URL and PURL will be entered into cataloging records.
  21. Andrea Gruhl handed out an e-mail from Lee Porter on the Congress on Professional Education. Persons who are interested may follow the activities as they are posted on the web at
  22. Janet Ormes reported for the Website Committee. The FLRT logo, in the form of a rotating globe, now appears on the homepage. She reported on usage statistics from ALA. Usage was 85 in December 1998, 61 in February 1999, and 79 in March 1999. Members were reminded to send updates to President Gruhl for approval and forwarding to webmaster James King (
  23. Barbara Bush reported on the Booth at ALA. She asked members to send handouts for distribution to her.
  24. Andrea Gruhl proposed fine-tuning the FLRT Mission Statement. She urged members to study the mission statement at our FLRT website and think of improvements.
  25. Andrea Gruhl announced that ALA will be sponsoring an all-day workshop on its Spectrum Initiative to encourage diversity. It will be held on Thurs., June 24, but the registration deadline is April 30. She encouraged any member who wishes to attend the workshop to talk to her.
  26. Andrea Gruhl suggested that FLRT consider co-sponsoring with DCLA a workshop in the Fall on Electronic Collections.
  27. Maria Pisa moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Joan Taylor and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Minutes were provided by FLRT's Secretary Janet Ormes and approved at the FLRT Board meeting.