Conferences & Continuing Education

Annual Conference and Midwitner meetign details

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ALA 2017 Annual Meeting

We are excited to announce three special program sessions at the 2017 ALA Annual Meeting. Our programs discuss key topics and issues for librarians working in all genres of librarianship.
The session, Funding Mandates: A Game Changer in Faculty and Scientific Research, is a must for librarians, administrators, and other stakeholders with oversight managing private and federally-funded sponsored research, working in the open access ecosystem, managing institutional repositories, and engaged in scholarly outreach.
Attend the Leadership & Librarianship are a Team Sport, session and learn how you can build a productive team if you are in a leadership position, or looking to make the leap into library administration.
Join the session The Glass is Half Full: Getting More Out of Less. This topic applies to all types of libraries, librarians, and their patrons. The program feature presentations from library staff on their innovating strategies and service in difficult times.
Session 1: Funding Mandates: A Game Changer in Faculty and Scientific Research

Saturday, June 24, 2017, 1:00-2:30 pm
Location: S106a
Featured speakers:

Caitlin Bakker, Research Services Liaison at the University of Minnesota Health Sciences Libraries

Nina Exner, Researcher and Grant Support Services Librarian at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Phyllis Ovsiew, Customer Support Specialist at the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)

Session 2: Leadership & Librarianship are a Team Sport

Sunday, June 25, 2017, 10:30 – 11:30 am
Location: W196a
Featured speaker:

Dr. Edward A. Scott, Associate Dean and Director of the McDermott Library, United States Air Force Academy

Session 3: The Glass is Half Full: Getting More Out of Less

Monday, June 26, 2017, 10:30 – 11:30 am
Location: W175b
Featured speakers:

Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library

Virginia Sanchez, Librarian, Research Library Yosemite National Park

Janice Young, Librarian, DOE

Denise Zielinski, Community Engagement Officer, Joliet Public Library

ALA 2016 Annual Meeting

Please join the Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table for a program on the Electronic Cataloging in Publication Cataloging Partnership Program, Sunday, June 26th, 2016, from 3:00-4:00 pm in the Hyatt Regency Orlando, Bayhill Room 19.

Karl Debus- López, Chief, U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division at the Library of Congress and Vice-President/President-Elect of FAFLRT, will moderate the program of three presenters.

Caroline Saccucci, Head of the CIP and Dewey Section at the Library of Congress, will give an introduction to the CIP Program, the ECIP Cataloging Partnership Program, and share news on the future direction of the programs and how they will interface with federal publishers in the future.

Diane Boehr, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, National Library of Medicine, will discuss how the program has evolved over the decades and how it benefits the work of the National Library of Medicine and provides job enrichment to the catalogers who work with ECIPs. The National Library of Medicine was the very first ECIP Cataloging Partner.

Rose McLendon, Metadata Librarian Lead, Content Production, ProQuest, will discuss the advantages of membership within the program from a commercial perspective. ProQuest is one of the more recent ECIP cataloging partners.

There will be time for questions and discussion.

ALA 2014 Annual Meeting

These events will be held on Sunday, June 29, 2014 from 8:30am-2:30 in the Las Vegas Hotel ( Ballroom E)

Innovative Talent Management Practices in Federal Libraries: Responding to the Challenges of Recruitment, Retention, and Succession

When: Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 8:30am to 10:00am

Location: Las Vegas Hotel

Ballroom E

Description: Federal libraries are facing issues surrounding recruiting and retaining staff, and planning for continuity. Join Roberta Shaffer - Library of Congress, Mary-Deirdre Coraggio and Rosa Liu - NIST, and other panelists to hear how they are managing talent in their libraries.

Leveraging Librarian Expertise in Customer Resource Management

When: Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Location: Las Vegas Hotel

Ballroom E

Description: Hear how the EPA Library Network implemented a customer resource management system that ensures inquiries/comments are effectively routed, managed, tracked, answered and measured.

FAFLRT Awards Reception

When: Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Location: Las Vegas Hotel

Ballroom E

Description: Join us for afternoon tea to celebrate the FAFLRT awards. Please RSVP to Anne Harrison:

Rebranding Yourself for a Career Change/Transition into Information Services

When: Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Location: Las Vegas Hotel

Ballroom E

Description: In this interactive presentation, Wendy Nolin of Change Agent Careers will guide you through various techniques employed by professional career coaches to create a compelling career brand to market oneself during the job search.

ALA 2014 Midwinter Meeting

Focus on Federal Librarianship!

The event will be held Sunday from 3-4:30 in the ALA Placement Center(Philadelphia Convention Center).

Job Search Workshop: Focus on Federal Librarianship! Jumpstart your

thinking about Federal librarianship, internships, and a career path that

can take you all around the globe. Students can learn about the variety of

great practicum and virtual internship opportunities ... along with tips on

how to land the right one for you! Recent graduates can learn about the

Presidential Management Fellows program, a fast track into government

management. Job seekers get tips on alternative career options and

networking. This experience will help you now and throughout your career!

Brought you by Careers in Federal Libraries and ALA Federal and Armed Forces

Libraries Round Table


*The brilliant Jennifer Manning (CRS) who makes everyone want to work in the

Knowledge Services division. Her valuable CRS report on Federal

opportunities continues to inform students and job seekers

*The fascinating Bianna Ine-Ryan (DIA) who makes working in a library sound

like an adventure. No doubt she brings in highly talented applicants who

jump at the chance to be hired to earn a Masters in Strategic Intelligence

from the Defense Intelligence University.

*The genius Marla Chesler (State and FEDLINK) who has a wealth of experience

and a unique perspective on working in a tradition library or at a higher

consortia level in Federal government

*The fabulous Richard Huffine (former FAFLRT President, Fed, and networker

extraordinaire) who attracts all applicants into Federal government because

they feel the possibilities are endless

*The incredible Angelique Simmons (former Army librarian, military spouse)

who will share her experience working OCONUS and entering Federal government

as a military spouse

ALA 2013 Annual Conference

FAFLRT Meetings Schedule, ALA 2013 Annual Conference

All FAFLRT events will be held on Sunday, June 30, in the Exchange Room of the InterContinental Hotel, 505 North Michigan Avenue, Magnificent Mile

Sunday, June 30 Careers in Federal Libraries : 8:30 - 10:00 am
Library Internships : Best Practices 10:30 - 11:30 am
FAFLRT Awards Reception 12:00 - 1:00 pm
FAFLRT Membership Meeting 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Careers in Federal Libraries: Join us as we explore the opportunities and challenges of working in federal libraries. A panel representing a range of federal agencies and positions will discuss the changing role of librarians in the federal sector and what it takes these days to further your career in federal libraries; the impact of not just a shrinking budget, but non-existent budget; and the demands of relocating, downsizing, or even closing a library.

Webcast link:

Library Internships: Best Practices: This program will explore the pros and cons of interns in the library for both library and intern, and suggest best practices on how to attract and manage an intern.

Webcast link:

Check your computer settings for webcasts:

ALA 2012 Annual Conference

FAFLRT Meetings Schedule, ALA 2012 Annual Conference

Date Meeting Name Time Location
Saturday, June 23 Social Media in Federal Libraries 10:30 - 12:00 Anaheim Convention Center, Room 213C
Disaster Response - Lessons Learned 1:30 - 3:30 Anaheim Convention Center, Room 213C
Sunday, June 24 Managing Your Career in Federal Libraries and Information Center 9:00 - 11:00 Red Lion Hotel - Serafina A & B
FAFLRT Membership Meeting 11:00 - 12:00 Red Lion Hotel - Serafina A & B
FAFLRT Awards Reception 12:00 - 1:30 Red Lion Hotel - Serafina A & B
FAFLRT Executive Board Meeting 1:30 - 3:30 Red Lion Hotel - Serafina A & B

ALA 2011 Annual Conference

Photos from our awards ceremony:

FAFLRT is planning numerous programs and events during the Annual Conference. Detailed information and speaker information for each program can be viewed from the link below (PDF file). There are no costs associated with attending FAFLRT events.

2011 FAFLRT ALA Annual Conference Program.

FAFLRT Meetings Schedule, ALA 2011 Annual Conference
Date Meeting Name Time Location
Friday, June 24th

Pre-conference program "Careers in Federal Libraries" (free, but preregistration required)

9 am - 3 pm

Convention Center, Room 244

FAFLRT Awards Ceremony and Reception

6 - 8 pm

Hotel Monteleone, Queen Anne Ballroom

Saturday, June 25th

Armed Forces Librarianship Today

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Convention Center, Room 269

Sunday, June 26th

Board and Membership Meeting

10:30 am - 12 pm

Convention Center, Rooms 346-347

Grey Literature in the Digital Age

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Convention Center, Room 339

Monday, June 27th

Grooming Feds for Growth in the Workforce

10:30 am - 12 pm

Convention Center, Room 338

ALA 2011 Midwinter Meeting

Membership Meeting

Sunday, January 9th 10:30-noon

Marriott, Marriott Hall 5

ALA 2010 Annual Conference

Proceedings from the Annual Conference now available in PDF package (large file).

Photos from our Award Ceremony:

FAFLRT is planning numerous programs and events during the Annual Conference. Scheduled programs with detailed information can be viewed from the link below.There are no costs associated with attending FAFLRT events.

2010 ALA Annual Conference Program.

FAFLRT Meetings Schedule, ALA 2010 Annual Conference


Meeting Name



Friday, June 25th

Preconference Program,Careers in Federal Libraries (FULL)

9 am - 12 pm

Library of Congress, Madison Building

Awards Reception (RSVP to to reserve a seat and obtain directions)

7:30 - 9 pm

Dept. of Justice, Great Hall

Sunday, June 27th

Board and Membership Meeting

10:30 am - 12 pm

JW Marriot, State Room

Meet the Author Kathy Roth-Douquet

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Grand Hyatt, Independence E

Institutional Repositories in Action: Stories From the Federal World

4:00 - 5:30 pm

Washington Convention Center, Room 202A

Monday, June 28th

Career Paths in Knowledge Management (RSVP to to reserve a seat and obtain directions)

10:30 am - 12 pm

Department of Transportation, National Transportation Library

International Exchange Program in the Digital Age

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Grand Hyatt, Independence A

Tuesday, June 29th

Connecting with the Feds: Social Collaboration and Transparency Tools (RSVP to to reserve a seat and obtain directions)

9 am - 3 pm

Catholic University of America, Caldwell Hall

FAFLRT Board & Committee Members brainstorming at US Naval Observatory Library - June, 2009

See notes from the Brainstorming meeting.

ALA 2009 Annual Conference

Proceedings from the Annual Conference now available in PDF packages (large files):

2009 Libraries in Tough Economic Times

If you listen to the buzz, there's a hum of excitement in the library. Library usage is up. Users need the library more than ever in a tough economic climate. How do we identify, market, and promote the needs of the library so that we may best serve our users?

Learn how major associations and organizations are tackling the problem. Exchange ideas with experts who have demonstrated success in branding services. Join hands with others in a common effort to better serve all in our communities.

Speakers include:

  • Suzanne Grefsheim (NIH Library)
  • Patricia Glass Schuman (Neal-Schuman Publishers)
  • Roberta Stevens (Library of Congress)
  • Greta Southard (Executive Director, PLA)
  • Ellen Herbst (Director, National Technical Information Service)

Date: Friday, March 6, 2009

Time: 1:00 - 4:00

Location: National Institutes of Health Masur Auditorium (Building 10 near the south entrance --- across from the NIH library)

Want to take a tour of the NIH library at 12:00 before the event? Reserve a space with Dera Tompkins (

Directions to NIH Clinical Center:

Enter the NIH campus through the public entrance at Route 355 (Rockville Pike) and South Drive. Show

your identification at security before proceeding on South Drive to Center Drive. Turn right on Center Drive following signs to "Patient Parking" and "Clinical Center." The main entrance to the hospital will be on your left on Center Drive.

Sponsor web sites:

2008 ALA/FAFLRT Programs

Anaheim, CA

Pre-conference program - "Careers in Federal Libraries"

Co-sponsored by FAFLRT, FLICC/FEDLINK, LSU SLIS, New Members Round Table, ALA Placement Services, and Library Associates. [ Program Flyer ]

This pre-conference program helped participants to learn the acronyms, gather tips on applying for a federal job, and network with federal librarians over lunch. Then, attendees worked with resume and interview experts to improve their chances to land that federal job!

Speaker list:

  • Nancy Faget, GPO [ PDF]
  • Roberta I. Shaffer, FLICC/FEDLINK
  • Helen Sherman, DTIC [ PDF]
  • Dr. Margie Thomas, LSU [ PDF]
  • Sandra Jensen, Camp Pendleton Libraries
  • Doria Grimes, NOAA
  • Carla Southers, DoD Education Activity
  • Steven Kerchoff, State Department
  • Deb Schwarz, Library Associates Inc
  • Greta Marlatt, Navy Postgraduate School
  • Bill Tuceling, GAO

Slides also available on SlideShare

DOCS 2.0: Emerging Web Technologies for the Government Information Community

Sponsored by GODART, Co-sponsored by FAFLRT

This program highlighted tools like wikis, blogs, social tagging, custom search engines, flickr and other Web services, and focused on how these new technologies can enhance library services. Speakers highlighted projects and give hands-on training to setup and administer these services. Attendees gained a knowledge of tools to help them collaborate, build Web collections, and better connect with their users, as well as having real examples of projects to use as templates.

What is the State of Federal Libraries?

This program summarized a series of Listening Sessions held for federal and military librarians, sharing the issues identified as problems in the federal library community. The session also included ideas for legislative initiatives that are needed to support federal libraries, how ALA processes suggested resolutions, and how members can participate in the upcoming FLICC Census of Federal Libraries.

Gov 2.0: Going further with the Wikinomics folks

Sponsored by FAFLRT and the FLICC Libraries & Emerging Technologies Working Group [ Program Flyer]

Heard about Gov 2.0? Wikinomics author, Anthony D. Williams, refers to it as harnessing the power of mass collaboration and the web 2.0. Learn about the use of social technologies in CIA, DIA, State, NIH, GSA, DHS, and other government agencies. Discover how government is striving to behave not as an isolated department or jurisdiction, but as something new: a truly integrated organization. Meet the change agents who are bringing innovation to the bureaucracy.

Speaker list:

  • Michelle Springer, Library of Congress [ PDF]
  • Sean Dennehy, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Elaine Cline & Tiffany Smith, State Department [ PDF]
  • Chris Rasmussen, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Slides also available on SlideShare

Researching, Archiving, and Collecting for the U.S. Congress [ Program Agenda]

Information professionals from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate presented, including the House Archivist, Robin Reeder, who discussed her work with Member research collections and House Committee records. Erin Hromada, from the House Office of History and Preservation discussed how her office conducts congressional research, advises their users, and provides services to librarians. Kimberly Ferguson of the Senate Library also discussed the Virtual Reference Desk on"

Speaker list:

  • Robin Reeder, U.S. House of Representatives, House Archivist [ PDF]
  • Erin Hromada, U. S. House of Representatives, House Office of History & Preservation [ PDF]
  • Kimberly Ferguson, U. S. Senate, Senate Library

Slides also available on SlideShare

2007 ALA/FAFLRT Programs

Washington, DC

Careers in Federal Libraries

Co-sponsored by FAFLRT, DC/SLA, FLICC/FEDLINK, DCLA, LSU SLIS, and Library Associates. [ Program Flyer ] [ Program Flyer 2 ]

Slides and a video recording of this event hosted at the Library of Congress is available on the FLICC web site. An archive of the event as viewed through OPAL-ONLINE is also available.

Public Access to Government-Sponsored Research

Co-sponsored by FLICC Libraries & Emerging Technologies Working Group [ Program Flyer]

This session explored the 'comparative advantage' that the Federal Government holds in the Open Access debate. James King, Chief Librarian of the Naval Research Laboratory, led a well-rounded panel discussion through the history, issues, legislative efforts, and opportunities related to Open Access and US Federal Government-sponsored research. [ PDF]

Specifically, our first speaker was Heather Joseph, formerly of BioOne and currently the Executive Director of SPARC (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition) who discussed her group's advocacy efforts related to Open Access and the Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006. [ PDF]

Our second speaker was Dr. Neil Thakur, the point person for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access policy ( link) who shared the NIH perspective in this debate and their progress to date. [ PDF]

The final speaker was Michael Mabe, formerly VP at Elsevier and currently CEO of the International Association of STM Publishers (with membership representing nearly all major society and commercial publishers); who presented the commercial and society publisher perspective on the Open Access debate. [ PDF]

2004 ALA/FAFLRT Program

"What's In, What's Spin... Winning Strategies for Marketing Your Library" [ Program Flyer ]

Marketing your library or information center is essential in an era of unabated change. What notions do users have of us and what we do? How do we redefine the marketing of our services in response to organizational and technological changes, outsourcing, and the growing population of remote users?

Leslie Barrett, Vice President, Outsell, Inc. will offer marketing strategies that enhance visibility and reinforce need. Learn what pitfalls to avoid and how to use professional, business, and political skills to convince stakeholders of the value of your services.

2002 ALA/FAFLRT Program

Workshop on Open Archival Information Service (OAIS) - Presentations

  • OAIS: What is it and Where is it Going? - Don Sawyer/NASA/GSFC, Lou Reich/NASA/CSC [ PDF]
  • Preserving Digital Publications - Gary McCone, National Agricultural Library [ PDF]
  • Trusted Digital Repositories: OAIS and Certification - Robin Dale, RLG [ PDF]
  • OCLC Digital Archive - Suzanne Butte, OCLC Library Services Consultant [ PDF]

2001 ALA/FAFLRT Program

Workshop on Open Archival Information Service (OAIS) - Presentations

Reference Model for an Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS): Overview and Current Status - Alan Wood/A.E.Wood & Erickson/Lockheed Martin, Don Sawyer/NASA/GSFC, Lou Reich/CSC [ PDF]
Preserving the Digital Publications of the USDA - Evelyn Frangakis, National Agricultural Library [ PDF]
OAIS and It's Applicability for Libraries, Archives, and Digital Repositories - Robin Dale, RLG [ PDF]