Friends of the Library and the Right to Read: Getting Ready for Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week (Sept. 22-28, 2024), is an opportunity for Friends of the Library and library Foundations to support the freedom to read. Learn programming ideas and what Friends groups across the country are planning for the week.
Ellen Butler, Friends of the Long Beach (Calif.) Public Library
Cheree Liebowitz, Friends of Stirling Road Library (Hollywood, Fla.)
Besty Gomez, Office for Intellectual Freedom, American Library Association
About Learning Live
United for Libraries Learning Live sessions take place on the second Tuesday of each month* at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. Each month’s session will cover a hot topic of interest to Trustees, Friends and/or Foundations, followed by Q&A and/or discussions. Sessions are open to all personal members of United for Libraries and those with statewide access.
*Learning Live is not held in August due to United for Libraries Virtual: Trustees, Friends, Foundations.
How to Register
United for Libraries Personal Members & Statewide Partners
United for Libraries Personal Members
Statewide Partners (MA, MD, MI, ND, NE, OR, SC, SD, and VA)
Non-members may purchase a one-year subscription to Learning Live, which includes live attendance and on-demand access to 11 webinars over a 12-month period* beginning with the month of purchase.
Some Learning Live sessions are available for standalone purchase.