Inside Interlibrary Loan: Basics for a New Millennium
As library shelving and physical collections continue to diminish, electronic resource collections continue to grow. To keep up with library trends and evolve in these troubling and uncertain times, we need to expand our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services to meet the needs of our library patrons. In this four-week asynchronous eCourse, you'll learn to utilize ILL services to do just this. Designed for MLS candidates, MLS graduates, librarians, library administrators, and paraprofessionals, this course teaches yu everything you need to know about ILL systems, including its surrounding nuts and bolts, regulations, and copyight issues. You'll also explore potential internal and external policies and procedures that your library can put in place and examine modern day challenges related to electronic resources.
Instructor Debra Lucas-Alfieri will also introduce you to management software tools, both those created internally as a homegrown option, or a proprietary software platform like ILLiad or Tipasa. Throughout the course, you'll gain exposure to and become skilled in assessing how ILL affects your organization's staffing and budgeting bottom lines. The projects, readings, and exercises will be of an immediate and practical nature. All students will also complete a series of short answer questions and complete a final analysis of your learning outcomes and experiences. The expected time commitment is three hours per week.
After participating in this eCourse, you will:
- Understand key concepts of ILL infrastructures and operations
- Grasp the current issues and opportunities for ILL operations, such as international lending, copyright compliances, and software/hardware needed to for an efficient operation
- Have starting points for creating and enforcing patron-driven borrowing and lending policies and procedures
- Be able to enhance opportunities in this essential library service at your institution
- Discuss how changing COVID challenges will drive your ILL operations forward.
Additionally, we will embrace in detail:
- Definitions
- Past histories
- Present situations
- Future predictions
- Benefit and risk management
- Procedures and staff management