Inside Interlibrary Loan: Basics for a New Millennium
As library shelving and physical collections continue to diminish, electronic resource collections continue to grow. To keep up with library trends and evolve in these troubling and uncertain times, we need to expand our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services to meet the needs of our library patrons. In this four-week asynchronous eCourse, you'll learn to utilize ILL services to do just this. Designed for MLS candidates, MLS graduates, librarians, library administrators, and paraprofessionals, this course teaches yu everything you need to know about ILL systems, including its surrounding nuts and bolts, regulations, and copyight issues. You'll also explore potential internal and external policies and procedures that your library can put in place and examine modern day challenges related to electronic resources.
After participating in this eCourse, you will:
- Understand key concepts of ILL infrastructures and operations
- Grasp the current issues and opportunities for ILL operations, such as international lending, copyright compliances, and software/hardware needed to for an efficient operation
- Have starting points for creating and enforcing patron-driven borrowing and lending policies and procedures
- Be able to enhance opportunities in this essential library service at your institution
- Discuss how changing COVID challenges will drive your ILL operations forward.
Additionally, we will embrace in detail:
- Definitions
- Past histories
- Present situations
- Future predictions
- Benefit and risk management
- Procedures and staff management
Throughout the course, you'll gain exposure to and become skilled in assessing how ILL affects your organization's staffing and budgeting bottom lines. The projects, readings, and exercises will be of an immediate and practical nature. All students will also complete a series of short answer questions and complete a final analysis of your learning outcomes and experiences. The expected time commitment is three hours per week.
Instructor Debra Lucas-Alfieri was the Head of Reference, Interlibrary Loan, and Instruction at D'Youville University in Buffalo, NY from 2002-2022. She is the author of Marketing the 21st Century Library: The Time is Now (2015), published by Chandos, an imprint of Elsevier. She has also published academic journal articles in Collaborative Librarianship, the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve, the Journal of Library and Information Science, and Library Leadership and Management. Debra has been a research expert and scholar in Interlibrary Loan operations since her career began at D’Youville. In 2009, she wrote: Interlibrary Loan Assessment: Assessing Services in a Small Private College Library’s Interlibrary Loan Department. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve, 19(4), 309–316.
She has co-authored and published articles in the nursing and pharmaceutical fields. Her book chapters appear in Middle Management in Academic and Public Libraries, and the 21st Century Handbook of Anthropology. Additionally, she served as an editor for the Journal of Library Innovation. For fun, she crafted and published encyclopedia articles the Encyclopedia of Power, the Encyclopedia of Time, the Encyclopedia of Anthropology, and the 20th Century Encyclopedia of Pop Culture.
Debra has been teaching online library science classes for over 12 years and has worked with such prestigious organizations as RUSA in ALA and Library Juice Academy. She has also run seminars with national and international organizations in Florida and Montreal. Because of Debra’s vast knowledge in the history, present, and future of libraries, her widely published literature is highly regarded, studied, and cited across the world. Through her teaching and her writing, she has been able to impact students and scholars not only in the United States, but across the globe, including countries in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, South Africa, Canada, and countries the Caribbeans.
Before her retirement from D’Youville, she was appointed as the Faculty Senate Parliamentarian (2018-2022). She was awarded a Sabbatical and Faculty Research Grant in 2014, a Fellowship Award in 2015-2016, and was then promoted to Full-Librarian Academic Rank in 2016. Her retirement has created the synergy she needed to educate the masses and to successfully drive our profession into the future.
How to Register
- Online
- By Email: download, complete and email form (PDF format) to
- By Mail: download, complete and mail form (PDF Format) to American Library Association, ATTN: MACS/Online CE Registration, 225 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 1300, Chicago, IL 60601
Continuing Education Credit - A certificate of completion will be sent to each participant upon successful completion of a course.
Although this course is not CEU-certified, many licensing boards will accept it for credit. Requirements vary by state and school district regarding certification and continuing education credits. The decision to grant CEU credits remains entirely up to your state or school district. If you are in need of credits, check with your state and/or school district before enrolling to determine eligibility. Some states will review your certificate of completion and course description to determine eligibility.