Disability and (in)Accessibility in the Library Workplace
Description: Workplace accessibility theoretically allows library workers with disabilities to do their best work and retain their jobs. How accessible is the library workplace? How do we develop empathy and create policies, spaces, and accommodation plans in concert with disabled individuals that are unique and flexible to the individual's needs without placing unintentional barriers and burdens on them? How can we ensure that we are creating a sustainably supportive and accessible workplace? Join us for a conversation addressing these questions and more.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
- Develop a better understanding of how diverse and unique accommodation plans are based on the individual in question.
- Discuss policies and space designs that they have seen increase, or create barriers to, accessibility within the Library workplace.
- Share resources (groups, news, government websites) to help individuals looking to develop empathy and identify potential action items for change in their own workplace.
Who Should Attend: Anyone who is interested in fostering inclusive and supportive workplaces for individuals with visible and invisible disabilities.
Kiyomi Deards is a Professor and part of the Collection Strategies and Open Scholarship Department at the University Libraries, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She identifies as disabled and has previously served as the Chair of the Libraries Faculty, and as Visiting Program Officer for Diversity and Leadership for the Association of Research Libraries (ARL).
Margaret Dawson has spent 23 years working in academic and joint-use libraries. From 2014 to 2021, she worked at Texas A&M University-Central Texas in Killeen, Texas as an Outreach and Instruction Librarian, and has developed programs for university students, their children, and the general public. She is currently the Co-Head of Public Services and Outreach. She has presented and published on the topics of instruction and outreach.
Mary Schiavone (she/her) is a Student Success and Engagement Librarian and Federal Depository Coordinator at Beloit College. Her current work centers around increasing approachability and accessibility in academic libraries.
How to Participate:
e-Forums are two-day, moderated, electronic discussion forums that provide an opportunity for librarians and library professionals to discuss matters of interest on an email discussion list. These discussions are free and available to anyone who wishes to subscribe to the email list.
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