Confronting Xenophobia and Supporting Asian and Asian/Pacific American Communities during COVID-19
In light of the outbreak of COVID-19, cases of racism and xenophobia against Asians and Asian/Pacific Americans have surged across the world. In the United States, there has always been a deep history of xenophobia towards Asians. This webinar will feature two experts to discuss the issue of Anti-Asian sentiment, and will also focus on teaching resources in countering xenophobia. This is a free webinar co-sponsored by the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) and the American Library Association’s (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS).
Topic: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Audience: Public-facing Library Workers
Reference Interview is a comprehensive six-week asynchronous course focusing on the methods of evaluating reference
ALA Events
The deadline to submit volunteer applications has been extended to October 14, 2024 to be considered for 2025-2027
Capture new ideas, affirm old ones, and connect with fellow members in this series of fast-paced exchanges.
Arizona Library Association Conference
Michigan Library Association Annual Conference
Virginia Library Association Annual Conference
The second meeting of Edi and Neal's Book Club for professional development explores themes in Dr. Lesley S.J. Farmer's
California Library Association Annual Conference
Deadline for community chat, lightning talk, poster session, roundtable discussion, and virtual presentation proposals.
Celebrate Your Friends Group Oct. 20-26, 2024, during the 19th annual National Friends of Libraries Week!
New England Library Association Annual Conference
BizRef 101 is for any librarian in-training who wants to gain confidence and knowledge around BizRef topics such as