Best of Core Forum: Best of Core Forum: Improving Preservation and Metadata Practices for Better Digital Projects: Streamlining a Workflow Preparing Collections for Digitization
Description: The session will discuss ongoing work to streamline a workflow for preparing collections for digitization. In managing the digitization workflow, preservation staff noted that substantial time was spent on resolving vendor and staff questions caused by lack of sufficient detail in the minimal metadata spreadsheets prepared pre-digitization. At the same time, digitization projects were experiencing setbacks when condition issues with the original material were not addressed early enough in the project. It became apparent that improved metadata and preservation planning would result in a more efficient workflow overall. Streamlining the workflow has also facilitated goals beyond meeting the requirements for successful digitization. Revisiting pre-digitization metadata creation has helped ensure that this work aligns with digital collections metadata requirements, thereby improving the usefulness of the spreadsheets beyond managing digitization. Revising the workflow also offered a chance to incorporate basic preservation activities and advocate for larger improvements for the original material as part of digitization projects. The webinar will discuss the collaboration between departments in Preservation and Cataloging & Metadata Services to improve the digitization workflow as well as how lessons learned continue to revise the workflow.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Attendees will learn about a digitization workflow management approach that leverages careful preparation for digitization for greater efficiency throughout the project.
- Attendees will gain insight into the importance of advocating for appropriate preservation of original materials as part of the digitization project workflow and learn helpful strategies for tackling preservation concerns during digitization.
- Attendees will understand strategies to lay the groundwork for quality metadata from the beginning of digitization projects.
Who Should Attend: The webinar is intended for any library workers--from collections to cataloging to preservation--with an interest in developing or improving digitization workflows. Prior experience with digitization projects is not required.
Melanie Wacker is Head of Digital Resources Metadata at Columbia University Libraries and works with her colleagues within Columbia University Libraries to ensure the integration of digital metadata with local and national systems to enable information discovery. She provides guidance on best practices, and develops, documents, and maintains standards and procedures for metadata for digital content generated within the Libraries. Her other responsibilities include the cataloging of electronic resources and name (NACO) and subject (SACO) authority work. Melanie is the chair of the MODS/MADS Editorial Committee, an At-Large-Member and former (2020/2021) chair of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Committee (PoCo), PCC representative to the BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG), chair of the BIG Interlingua Subgroup, and PCC liaison to the Share Family Advisory Council.
Morgan Adams is the Mellon Conservator for Special Collections at Columbia University Libraries, where she treats the rare books, manuscripts, and works of art on paper to support research, teaching, exhibition and digitization, and ensure the collections' preservation for generations to come. Her expertise includes bookbinding history, technical analysis of paper- and parchment-based objects, and environmental monitoring and disaster response. Prior to her current position, she worked in the conservation departments at The Morgan Library & Museum, the New York Academy of Medicine, New York University, and the University of Michigan. Morgan is the Program Chair for the American Institute for Conservation Book and Paper Group (2024-2025).
Brianna Gormly is the Assistant Director for Preservation Reformatting and Metadata in the Preservation Division at Columbia University Libraries, where she manages special collections digitization projects as well as operational brittle books reformatting workflows. She previously worked on archives and special collections digital projects as the Digital Initiatives Librarian at Franklin and Marshall College Library. Brianna is a co-chair of the ALA Core Preservation Outreach Committee (Sept. 2024-Aug. 2026).