EMIERT Call For Nominations

Information about EMIERT vacancies and positions that will be on the ALA Election Ballot

Call for Nominations for EMIERT Leadership Roles for ALA Ballot in Spring

Please fill out the form at: https://www.directvote.net/alanomination/2017users.html by January 26, 2017

The Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT) of the American Library Association is seeking candidates for the positions of vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, member-at-large, and round table councilor. All terms begin at the close of ALA Annual 2017. All positions require attendance at ALA Annual and virtual attendance at the Midwinter general membership meeting.

The position descriptions that follow will appear on the ballot.


● Serves for 1 year (3-year commitment: 1 year as vice chair, 1 year as chair, 1 year as past chair)

● Required attendance at ALA Annual and virtual Midwinter meetings

● It is preferable to have served on an EMIERT committee or task force

The vice chair develops the call for program proposals and chairs the ALA Annual program planning committee. The chair is a working member of one EMIERT committee or task force, and a liaison to an ALA roundtable or caucus of choice. The chair presents a report at EMIERT executive board meetings at Midwinter (virtual) and ALA Annual (face-to-face), and participates in EMIERT monthly virtual meetings throughout the year. The vice chair works closely with the chair and past chair on initiatives.

In the absence of the chair, the vice chair presides.


● Serves for 2 years

● Required attendance at ALA Annual and virtual Midwinter meetings

● It is preferable to have served on an EMIERT committee or task force

The secretary prepares the agenda for EMIERT executive board meetings, and takes minutes for meetings of EMIERT’s general membership and executive board. The secretary makes the minutes available for membership by posting them to ALA Connect. The secretary updates the EMIERT webpage to include information about awards, deadlines, award winners, and other items of interest to EMIERT members. The secretary maintains official records for EMIERT.

The secretary is a voting member of the Executive Board. In the absence of the chair and vice chair, the secretary presides.


● Serves for 2 years

● Required attendance at ALA Annual and virtual Midwinter meetings

● It is preferable to have served on an EMIERT committee or task force

The treasurer prepares monthly and annual financial reports for EMIERT. The treasurer is expected to attend and present reports at EMIERT executive meetings at ALA Midwinter (virtual) and ALA Annual (face-to-face), and to participate in EMIERT monthly virtual meetings throughout the year. The treasurer also makes financial records available for membership by posting them to ALA Connect.


● 1 vacancy

● Serves for 2 years

● Required attendance at ALA Annual and virtual Midwinter meetings

The Member‐at‐Large represents the general membership on issues of interest or concern as they relate to the mission of EMIERT. Duties include developing topics for EMIERT sponsored webinars, facilitating the exchange of resources on multiculturalism by issuing calls to EMIERT membership and fostering discussion that highlight some aspect of multiculturalism. The Member‐at‐Large is expected to attend and present reports at EMIERT executive meetings at ALA Midwinter (virtual) and ALA Annual (face-to-face), and to participate in EMIERT monthly virtual meetings throughout the year.

There are a total of two members‐at‐large serving staggered terms of two years.

The Member‐at‐Large is a voting member of the executive board and liaises with one EMIERT task force to communicate the task forces’ interests and concerns to the executive board. The Member-at-Large is not the chair of the task force and is not responsible for the work of the task force.

Round Table Councilor

● Serves 2 years

● Required attendance at ALA Annual and virtual Midwinter meetings

The Round Table Councilor attends meetings of ALA Council at ALA Midwinter and ALA Annual. Council is responsible for the governance of ALA and is charged with identifying and delegating programs. The EMIERT Round Table Councilor prepares reports on the actions of Council for monthly and annual meetings of the EMIERT Executive Board, and general membership meetings (virtual EMIERT ALA Midwinter and face-to-face at ALA Annual).

Please fill out the form at: https://www.directvote.net/alanomination/2017users.html by January 26, 2017

Contact Leslie Campbell Hime at lchime@ci.richland.wa by December 1, 2016 if you have questions or would like to self-nominate or nominate.