Library Support Staff Issues Bibliography
Compiled by Martha Parsons
See also the Unions in Libraries Bibliography compiled by Ginny Rabago.
Abbott, Andrew. "Professionalism and the Future of Librarianship."
Library Trends 46, no. 3 (Winter 1998):430-443.
Abell, Angela. "Information Professionals? Knowledge Professionals? Or Support Staff?"
The Law Librarian 29, no. 1 (Mar. '98):11-14.
Afes, Van B., and Virginia Lingle. "Health Sciences Library Technicians."
Library Mosaics 3 (March/April 1992):6.
" ALCTS Task Force on Meeting the Continuing Needs of Paraprofessionals Report." (ALA Association for Library Collections & Technical Services.) (1995). <>
Anderson, Byron, and Samuel Huang. "Impact of New Library Technology on Training Paraprofessional Staff."
The Reference Librarian, no. 39 (1993):21-29.
Andrew, Judith. "Mary Kalnin and the LIBSUP-L."
Library Mosaics, (July/August 1994):8-11. Note: Originally published in
NYSLAA Network Connection 6, no. 2 (Fall 1993).
Andrews, V.L., and C.M. Kelly. "Changing Staffing Patterns in Technical Services Since the 1970's: A Study in Change."
Journal of Library Administration 9, no. 1 (1988):55-68.
Annis, Rhonda. "Business Information That Informs the Business: Support Staff Responsibilities at the Wausau Insurance Companies Library."
Library Mosaics 5 (1 March 1994):12.
Barron, Margaret R. "Creating the Paraprofessional Image."
Library Mosaics 4 (March/April 1993):12.
Beales, Donna. "Educating Support Staff."
Library Journal (May 15 1994):8.
Beales, Karen. "Non-Professional Information and Training."
Education for Information 7, no. 1 (March 1989):29-41.
Bednar, Marie. "Hiring Tests for Technical Services Support Staff Positions."
Technical Services Quarterly 11, no. 1 (1993):3-18.
Belcastro, Patricia.
Evaluating Library Staff: A Performance Appraisal System. Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. [ISBN: 0-8389-0731-8]
Benaud, Claire-Lise. "The Academic Paraprofessional Cataloger: Underappreciated?"
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 15, no. 3 (1992):81-92.
Benemann, William E. "The Cathedral Factor: Excellence and Motivation of Cataloging Staff."
Technical Services Quarterly 10, no. 3 (1993):17-25.
Berger, Marshall A. " Technology Brings Challenges and Opportunities for Support Staff."
American Libraries 28, no. 3 (March 1997):30-31. <>
Berry, John N. "The Other 'Librarians': Our Neglect of Their Needs and Careers Is Simply Unjust!."
Library Journal 114 (July 1989):4.
------. "'Professional' Is Only a Label."
Library Journal 120, no. 12 (July 1995):6.
------. "Beth Perkins, Simpson Library, Mary Washington College, Fredricksburg, VA. Paraprofessional of the Year 2000" (Library Journal's first Paraprofessional of the Year award)
Library Journal 125, no. 5 (March 15, 2000):40-2.
Beveridge, Mary, William K. Black, and Barbara E. Weeg. "Cooperative Statewide Staff Development--Opportunities for Support Personnel."
Library Mosaics 5 (November/December 1994):12.
Billings, Carol D., and Betty Kern. "Sources of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Among Library Paraprofessionals: A Study Based on Fifty Interviews."
Louisiana Library Association Bulletin 52 (Spring 1990):171-178.
Bossin, Kerry. "Are You Learning As Much As You Can? The Personal Dynamics of Networking for Library Support Staff."
Library Mosaics 2 (January/February 1991):12-13.
Boyce, Judith I. "Continuing Education for Paraprofessionals."
Louisiana Library Association Bulletin 52 (Spring 1990):179-184.
Brocklebank, Jackie. "Developing Teaching Skills for Academic Support Staff. Report of a Workshop for Librarians and Information Specialists at Aston University."
The Law Librarian 29, no. 4 (Dec. 1998):245-9.
Brown, Donald. "New Technologies in Music Libraries. (Their Impact on Support Staff.)"
Library Mosaics 6 (May/June 1995):13.
Camp, James E. "Library Paraprofessionals in Georgia: A Status Report."
The Georgia Librarian 34, no. 2 (Summer 1997):4.
Carvosso, Elizabeth. "Library Technicians and Serials Management: Training and Practice in Australia."
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Serials Librarianship 4, no. 1 (1993):17.
Cherrett, Carolyn. "Library Technician Skills Transfer."
The Australian Library Journal 41 (1 August 1992):231.
Chervinko, James S. "The Changing State of Original Cataloging: Who's Going to Do It Now?"
Illinois Libraries 74, no. 6 (December 1992):493-495.
Cohen, Lucy R. "Creating a New Classification System For Technical and Supervisory Library Support Staff."
Journal of Library Administration 10 (1989):59-85.
Coleman, Kathleen and Elizabeth Margulti. "Training Nonprofessionals For Reference Service."
RQ (Spring 1977):217-219.
Collins, Elizabeth. "Towards Quality Service: Library Technicians in Public Libraries."
APLIS 6, no. 3 (September 1993):117+.
Corrall, Sheila. "Staff Development--Whose Responsibility?"
Library Manager, no. 9 (July/August 1995).
Courtois, Martin P. and Lori A. Goetsch. "Use of Nonprofessionals At Reference Desks."
College and Research Libraries (September 1984):385-391.
Craig, Susan. "Focus on Staff Training." Public Libraries (January/February 1998):33-34.
Creth, S.D. "Staff Development: Where Do We Go From Here?"
Library Administration & Management (Summer 1990):131-132.
Davidson-Arnott, Frances and Deborah Key. "Library Technician Programs: Skills-oriented Paraprofessional Education."
Library Trends 46, no. 3 (Winter 1998):540-563. Abstract
Deeney, Kay, and Louise M. Darling. "The Role of Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk."
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 78 (April 1990):191-193.
Dillon, Jon, Cindy Skinner, and Mary Swanson. " Sharing the Wealth: Paraprofessionals at Oregon State University Valley Library."
OLA Quarterly 4, no. 3 (Fall 1998). <>
Divens, William C. "MLS to Excess? Degree Requirement for ILL."
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply 6 (1995):83-88.
Dumars, Denise. "Support Staff in Public Library Reference Services."
Library Mosaics 4 (May/June 1993):12.
Dyckman, A. Ann. "Library Assistants in the Year 2000."
Journal of Library Administration 17, no. 1 (1992):77-90.
Eskoz, Patricia A. "The Catalog Librarian--Change or Status Quo? Results of a Survey of Academic Libraries."
Library Resources and Technical Services 34, no. 3 (July 1990):380-92.
Estabrook, Leigh, Lisa Mason, and Sara Suelflow. "Managing the Work of Support Staff."
Library Trends 41 (Fall 1992):231.
Evans, Charles W. "The Evolution of Paraprofessional Library Employees." In
Advances in Librarianship 9. New York: Academic Press, 1978, p. 64-101.
Farmer, Lesley S. J. "Training Staff for Technology: Option and Opportunities."
Book Report 17, no. 4 (January/February 1999):41+.
Fatzer, Jill B. "Paraprofessionals in the Academic Library: An Administrator's View."
Louisiana Library Association Bulletin 52 (Spring 1990):159-162.
Fehlman, Sheila, and Dhani Verma. "Support Staff and Paraprofessionals in Online Catalog Management."
Library Mosaics 4 (November/December 1993):20.
Fernandez, Georgina. "The Changing Roles of Library Support Staff."
Florida Libraries 38 (October 1995):124 .
Few, John. "Current Education Programs for Library Media Technicians."
Library Mosaics 1 (May/June 1990):8-10.
Fitch, Donna K. "Job Satisfaction Among Library Support Staff in Alabama Academic Libraries."
College & Research Libraries 51 (July 1990):313-320.
Flowers, Kay. "The Maturing Worker in Technical Services."
Journal of Library Administration 18 (1993):145.
Franklin, Grace A. "Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk."
Ohio Libraries 4 (May/June 1991):6.
Froehlich, Thomas J. "Ethical Considerations Regarding Library Nonprofessionals: Competing Perspectives and Values."
Library Trends 46, no. 3 (Winter 1998):444-466. Abstract
Galey, Minaruth. "Professional Growth and Certification."
Library Mosaics 2 (November/December 1991):12-13.
Genz, Marcella D. "Working the Reference Desk."
Library Trends 46, no. 3 (Winter 1998):505-525. Abstract
Gibson, Rita. "Starting a Library Support Staff Organization ." 1999. Available as both a Microsoft Word 6.0 file and an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.
------. " Library Paraprofessionals: a Bibliography." 2000. <>
------. " Library Paraprofessionals: a Bibliography (Update)." June 2000. <>
Gill, Suzanne. "New Directions for Library Paraprofessionals."
Wilson Library Bulletin 55 (January 1981):368.
Gillen, Ed. " The ALA SSIRT Library Support Staff Issues Survey Results,"
Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal 4, no. 3(1998). <>
------. "To Live and Die an LA: Career Paths and Professional Developments of the Library Assistant."
Journal of Education for Library and Information 36 (Winter 1995):5.
------. "What Defines a Professional? A Library Support Staff Point of View,"
Library Personnel News 8 (November 1994):5-6.
Gilmont, Susan R. " Do Crabs Have Favorite Colors? A Look at Reference Service at a Small Library,"
OLA (Oregon Library Association) Quarterly, v. 3, no. 1 (Spring 1997). (Reprinted with permission of Library Mosaics.) <>
Goodson, Carol. "Performance Standards for Paraprofessional Staff." In
The Complete Guide to Performance Standards for Library Personnel. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1997, p. 49-92. [ISBN: 1-55570-262-7] Summary and table of contents from Neal-Schuman.
Goulding, Anne.
Managing Change for Library Support Staff. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Co., 1996. [ISBN: 1-8597-2249-0]
Grealy, Deborah, et al. "Staff Development and Training in College and University Libraries: The Penrose Perspective."
Library Administration & Management 10, no. 4 (Fall 1996):204-209.
Greiner, Joy. "Non-M.L.S. Professionals in the Library."
Public Libraries 29 (July/August 1990):209-214.
Hale, Noreen. "ACRL Supports Teleconferences for Library Assistants."
College & Research Libraries News 56 (1 July 1995):452.
Halstead, Deborah D., and Dana M. Neeley. "The Importance of the Library Technician."
Library Journal 115 (1 March 1990):62-63.
------, and JoAnn Van Schaik. "The Library Technician in an Academic Medical Library."
Library Mosaics 3 (1 March 1992):10.
Hammond, Carol. "Information and Research Support Services: The Reference Librarian and the Information Paraprofessional."
The Reference Librarian 37 (1992): 91-107.
Hamre, Rayna C. and Susan Lessick. " Reference Desk Partnering: A Success Story."
Library Mosaics 9, no. 6 (November/December 1998):8-11. <>
Hannah, Karen H. "Library Technicians: Their Use and Training in North America (A Select Bibliography.)" Glen Ellyn, IL, College of DuPage, December 1991.
Hastings, Ron. "'Almost Professional'? Librarians, Paraprofessionals and Role Blurring in the Academic Library."
The Olive Tree: A Library and Information Sciences Electronic Journal.
Hawcroft, Roger. " Will the real 'librarian' please step forward?"
NetNexus, no. 3 (May 1997). <>
Hawley, Lorin M. "Why You Do Not Need an MLS to Work in ILL?"
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply 6 (1995):89-94.
Heaton, G. T. "Rethinking the Provision of Reference Services in Academic Medical School Libraries."
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 84, no. 1(January 1996):17-24.
Heim, Kathleen, and Debbie Wolcott. "Staff Utilization in Libraries."
Louisiana Library Association Bulletin 52 (Spring 1990):149-158.
Hiebing, Dottie. "Current Trends in the Continuing Education and Training of Reference Staff."
The Reference Librarian 30 (1990):5-15.
Hill, James L., "ALA and the Support Staff Interest Round Table (SSIRT)."
Colorado Libraries 26, no. 1 (Spring 2000):14-16.
House, Evette. " Library Technicians at the Reference Desk."
NetNexus, no. 1 (September 1996). <>
Houston, Julianne, and Judy Orahood. "We Are All Professionals."
Library Mosaics 1 (January/February 1990):8-11.
Howarth, Lynne C. "The Role of the Paraprofessional in Technical Services in Libraries."
Library Trends 46, no. 3 (Winter 1998):526-539. Abstract
Huber, J. T., N. B. Giuse, and J. R. Pfeiffer. "Brief Communications. Designing an Alternative Career Ladder for Library Assistants."
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 87, no. 1(January 1999):74-77.
Huling, Nancy. " Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk: Not 'Whether', but 'How'."
Alki: WLA Journal 12, no. 2 (July 1996):19-20. <>
Ihrig, Carol S. "Support Staff Leadership Ideas."
Library Mosaics 5 (July/August 1994):21.
Infield, Neil. "What's in A Name?"
Library Manager, Issue 4 (February 1995).
Intner, Sheila S. "The Education of Copy Catalogers."
Technicalities 11 (March 1991):4-7.
Ives, David J. "Staff Empowerment and Library Improvement through Networking."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):46.
Jahoda, Gerald, and Frank Bonney. "The Use of Paraprofessionals in Public Libraries for Answering Reference Queries."
RQ 29 (Spring 1990):328-331.
Jewell, Carol H. "Library Support Staff and Paraprofessionals: A Bibliography."
Library Mosaics 4 (July/August 1993):12-14.
Johnson, Carole P. "The Changing Nature of Jobs: A Paraprofessional Time Series."
College & Research Libraries 57, no. 1 (1 January 1996):59.
------. "Library Employees Without the ALA-Accredited Masters Degree."
Public Libraries 37, no. 1 (January/February 1998):40-46.
Johnson, Ian M. "The Development of Library Technicians: A Review of Experience in Selected Countries."
IFLA Journal 17, no. 3 (1991):256.
Johnson, Peggy. "Managing Changing Roles: Professional and Paraprofessional Staff in Libraries."
Journal of Library Administration 22, no. 2/3 (1996):79-99.
Jones, Dorothy E. "Ten Years Later: Support Staff Perceptions and Opinions on Technology in the Workplace."
Library Trends 47, no. 4 (Spring 1999):711-45. Abstract
Kalnin, Mary T. "The Case for the Conference: One Paraprofessional's View."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):22.
------. " Library Paraprofessionals and the Internet." From FARNET Stories Project: 51 Reasons to Invest in the National Information Infrastructure. <>
------. " LIBSUP-L: More than Just Mail."
OLA (Oregon Library Association) Quarterly 3, no. 1 (Spring 1997). <>
------, Wendee Eyler, and Susan Ryan. "The Paraprofessional in Today's Libraries."
Library Mosaics 5 (May/June 1994):16-18.
------. "Some Thoughts on Role-Blurring and Staff Development."
Library Mosaics 8, no. 6 (November/December 1997): 8-10.
Kao, Mary Liu.
Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc., 1995. [ISBN: 1-56024-345-7]
Kathman, Michael D., and Lenore Felix. "A Library Paraprofessional Pay System."
Library Administration & Management 4 (Fall 1990):202-204.
Kemp, Jan. "Reevaluating Support Staff Positions."
Library Administration & Management 9 (Winter 1995):37-43.
Kentfield, Kathie. "Public Library Support Staff Survey."
Library Mosaics 6 (March/April 1995):18.
Kinnaly, Gene. " Paraprofessional Organizations and Online Resources."
Virginia Libraries (January-March 1998):9-11. <>
Kreitz, Patricia A., and Ogden, Annegret. "Job Responsibilities and Job Satisfaction at the University of California Libraries."
College and Research Libraries 51, no. 4 (July 1990):297-312.
Kutzik, Jennifer. "Paralibrarians: Support Staff Interests to Have New Home in ALA."
Colorado Libraries 19 (Summer 1993):44.
------. "Paralibrarians: The Oxymoronic World of Library Automation."
Colorado Libraries 19 (Fall 1993):45.
Lary, Marylin. "Information Paths: Staffing Public Services."
LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research 5, no. 1 (31 March 1995).
------. "Reference Services: Yesterday and Tomorrow."
LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research 5, no. 2 (31 July 1995).
Laurence, Andrew. "Support Staff and the Law Libraries."
Library Mosaics 4 (January/February 1993):8.
Leonhardt, Thomas W. "Keys to Success for Library Paraprofessionals and Support Staff."
Library Administration & Management 10, no. 4 (Fall 1996):214.
"Librarian and Support Staff Roles Need Clearer Definition."
Library Personnel News 9 (September/October 1995):3-4.
Liptak, Stephany. "Paralibrarian's Page: Paralibrarians and the Colorado Library Association."
Colorado Libraries 16 (1 December 1990):51.
------. "Paralibrarians: Teamwork Is the Theme."
Colorado Libraries 17 (1 December 1991):31.
------. "Paralibrarians: Grassroots Movements."
Colorado Libraries 18 (1 December 1992):38.
Makinen, Ruth H. "Paraprofessional Staff: A Review and Report on Current Duty Assignments in Academic Health Sciences Libraries in North America."
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 81 (1 April 1993):135.
Malia, Elizabeth. "Professional is an Attitude."
Library Mosaics 8 (Jan/Feb 1997)12-13.
Mardikian, Jackie, and Kessleman, Martin. "Beyond the Desk: Enhanced Reference Staffing for the Electronic Library."
Reference Services Review 23, no. 1 (1995):21-28. (ERIC #EN_ EJ498005)
Martin, Kathleen M. "Finding Our Voice: Support Staff in Professional Organizations."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):26.
Martin, Sara. "Ethics and the Paraprofessional."
Library Mosaics 3 (July/August 1992):17.
Martin, Susan K. "Clinging to 'Status:' The Attitude of Librarians to the Non-MLS Staff."
Journal of Academic Librarianship (May 1997):222.
Martinez, Ed. "Certification of Library Support Staff."
Library Mosaics 2 (November/December 1991):7-10.
------. " In the Beginning, There was Support Staff . . . ",
Library Mosaics (September/October 1989):6-8. <>
------. "What's Professionalism Got to Do With It?"
Library Mosaics 1 (January/February 1990):5.
------. "Writing the Support Staff Story."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):38.
------, and Raymond Roney. "1993 Library Support Staff Salary Survey."
Library Mosaics 5 (May/June 1994):6-10.
------, and Raymond Roney. "1996 Library Support Staff Salary Survey."
Library Mosaics 8, no. 2 (March/April 1997):6-10.
Massey, Tinker. "Educating Support Staff: A Continuous Programming for the Future."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36 (Winter 1995):3.
------. "Mentoring."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):52.
McCann, J. C., et al. "Restructuring Support Staff Classification Levels for Academic Health Sciences Library Positions."
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 78, no. 3 (July 1990):293-301.
McDaniel, Julie Ann, and Judith K. Ohles.
Training Paraprofessionals for Reference Services: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 1993. [ISBN: 1-55570-084-5] Summary from Neal-Schuman.
Medema, Nancy. "Support Staff Perspective."
Public Libraries (January/February 1998):34-35.
Mentges, Mark E. "Library Paraprofessionals in Academic Libraries--Where to Now?"
Library Mosaics 2 (March/April 1991):14-15.
Mohr, Deborah A. and Anita Schuneman. "Changing Roles: Original Cataloging by Paraprofessionals in ARL Libraries."
Library Resources and Technical Services 41, no. 3 (April 1997): 205-218.
Mugnier, Charlotte.
The Paraprofessional and the Professional Job Structure, Chicago: American Library Association, 1980.
Murfin, Marjorie E., and Charles A. Bunge. "Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk."
Journal of Academic Librarianship 14 (March 1988): 10-14.
Murphy, Diana. "Paralibrarians: You Need it When?"
Colorado Libraries 18 (1 March 1992):37.
Murray, Richard A. "Job Satisfaction of Professional and Paraprofessional Library Staff at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill." Master's thesis, 1999. Available as a PDF file (<>).
Myers, Margaret. "Staffing Patterns." In
Personnel Administration in Libraries, 2d ed., ed. Sheila Creth and Fredrick Duda. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1989, p. 40-64.
Naqvi, Rabab. "Library Technicians--Hidden Resource."
Library Mosaics 5 (January/February 1994):16.
Neeley, Dana M., and Deborah D. Halsted. "The Importance of the Library Technician: Recognizing These Vital Staff Members."
Library Journal 115 (1 March 1990):62.
Nettlefold, Brian A. "Paraprofessionalism in Librarianship."
International Library Review 21, no. 4 (October 1989):519-31.
Niederlander, Mary. " Library Staff Citations." <>
Nielson, Joyce and Linda Owen. " COLT Conference on Certification: January 1998."
Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal 4, no. 3 (1998). <>
Nourse, Jimmie Anne and Patricia C. Profeta. "Indian River Community College's LTA Program."
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):16+.
Oberg, Larry. "The Emergence of the Paraprofessional in Academic Libraries: Perceptions and Realities."
College & Research Libraries 53 (March 1992):99-112.
------. "Library Support Staff Deployment and Utilization: Achieving Clarity in an Age of Change."
Journal of Academic Librarianship 23, no. 1 (1 January 1997):42.
------. " Library Support Staff in an Age of Change: Utilization, Role Definition, and Status."
ERIC Digest, EDO-IR-95-4, May 1995. <>
------. "Paraprofessionals and the Future of Librarianship."
Library Mosaics 4, no. 6 (1 November 1993):8.
------. "Paraprofessionals: Shaping the New Reality."
College & Research Libraries 52 (January 1991):3-4.
------. "Paraprofessionals: Time to Celebrate or Time to Move the Agenda?"
College and Undergraduate Libraries 6 (1999):17-22.
------. "Response to Hammond: 'Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk: The End of the Debate.'"
The Reference Librarian 37 (1992):107.
------, et al. "The Role, Status, and Working Conditions of Paraprofessionals: A National Survey of Academic Libraries."
College & Research Libraries 53 (May 1992):215-238.
------. " Support Staff in a Transitional Age: Implications for Continuing Education."
OLA (Oregon Library Association) Quarterly 3, no. 1 (Spring 1997). <>
O'Brien, J., and J.A. Cowans. "LTA World! The Next Generation."
Library Administration & Management 9 (Winter 1995):19-22.
Ostertag, J. Keith and Kathleen De La Pena McCook, editors.
Library Support Staff: Challengers for the Nineties Chicago: American Library Association, 1992. [ISBN: 0-8389-7638-7]
Owen, Linda J. "Paraprofessional Groups and Associations."
Library Trends 46, no. 2 (Fall 1997):348-373. Abstract
Palmini, Cathleen C. "The Impact of Computerization on Library Support Staff: A Study of Support Staff in Academic Libraries in Wisconsin."
College & Research Libraries 55 (1 March 1994):119-127.
" Paraprofessional Institute Offers Career Enhancement Opportunities."
FEDLINK Technical Notes 15, no. 9 (September 1997). < Institute>
"Paraprofessionals and the Future of Librarianship--an Interview with Larry Oberg."
NYS-LAA Network Connection 5, no. 4 (Spring 1993). Reprinted in
Library Mosaics 4, no. 6 (November/December 1993):8-10.
Pawlowski, Connie, and Troutman, Patsy. "Library Media Paraprofessionals--We Can't Live Without Them."
Book Report 12, no. 2 (September-October 1993):19-20.
Payne, Patricia C. "Personnel Matters: Improving the Lot of Support Staff: A Matter of Respect."
Technicalities 19, no. 1 (January 1999):1+.
Preece, Barbara G. "Paraprofessional Training in Technical Services."
Illinois Libraries 72 (September 1990):503-505.
Rais, Shirley. "Managing Your Support Staff: An Insider's View."
American Libraries 24, no. 9 (October 1993):819-820.
Rau, Kirk. " Finally! Distance Education for Library Support Staff,"
Library Mosaics 9, no. 2 (March/April 1998):8-10. <>
Ray, Ron. "Paraprofessionals in Collection Development: Report of the ALCTS/CMDS Collection Development Librarians of Academic Libraries Discussion Group,"
Library Acquisitions 18 (Fall 1994):317-320.
Rider, Mary M. "Developing New Roles for Paraprofessionals in Cataloging."
Journal of Academic Librarianship 22, no. 1 (January 1996):26+.
Roberts, Joni R., and Ford Schmidt. "Reference Alternatives: Paraprofessional Staffing at a Small Academic Library: Willamette University"
College & Undergraduate Libraries 5, no. 1 (1998):81-90.
Robertson, Carolynn. "Support Staff at the National Library of Canada."
Library Mosaics 5 (January/February 1994):12.
Rodgers, Terry.
The Library Paraprofessional: Notes from the Underground. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1996. [ISBN: 0-7864-0222-9].
Romine-Weyandt, Leah, and Scott C. Weyandt. "Career Challenges for the Paraprofessional."
Library Mosaics 6 (July/August 1995):17.
Roney, Raymond. "Financial Assistance for Support Staff Attending Library Schools."
Library Mosaics 7, no. 1 (January/February 1996):17.
Rubin, Richard. "The Future of Public Library Support Staff."
Public Library Quarterly 12, no. 1 (1992):17.
Ryan, Susan. "Staff Committees: A Voice for the Paraprofessional."
Library Mosaics 4 (November/December 1993):16.
Sager, Don. "Perspectives: Empowering the Library's Support Staff."
Public Libraries, v. 37, no. 1 (January/February 1998):33-38. [Includes the following commentators: Susan Craig, "Focus on Staff Training"; Nancy Medema, "The Support Staff Perspective"; Kay K. Runge, "Total Quality Staff Development and Recognition"; Linda Slusar, "Let Them Out, Let Them In, Let Them Soar!"]
Sandee, Rebecca. "Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk." (A research paper for an Advanced Reference course) 1998.
Sandler, Mark. " Transforming Library Staff Roles."
Library Issues: Briefings for Faculty and Administration 17, no. 1 (September 1996). <>
Sarkodie-Mensah, Kwasi. "Paraprofessionals in Reference Services: An Untapped Goldmine."
Library Mosaics 4, no. 3 (1 May 1993):8-10.
Schmid, Dusty. "The Decade of the Paraprofessional: a Brief History of the Growth of Paraprofessional Involvement in the Arkansas Library Association."
Arkansas Libraries 56, no. 4 (August 1999):10-11.
St. Lifer, Evan. "We Are the Library!"
Library Journal 120, no. 18 (1 November 1995):30
Schuman, P.G. "Libraries and Support Staff: We All Make It Happen."
American Libraries (May 1992):415.
Severance, Darlene. " Supervising Library Paraprofessionals." <>
Shatkin, Leon (prepared by). " A Study Of Library Assistant Positions In Connecticut Libraries." Connecticut State Library, Division of Library Development, November 1998. <>
Sheffold, Donetta. "Support Staff Professional Development: Issues for the Coming Millennium."
OLA Quarterly 5, no. 4 (Winter 2000):7+.
Slade, Kent. "Certification of Support Staff: What Is It, What Does It Do?"
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36, no. 1 (Winter 1995):12.
------, Linda Threlkeld, and Debbie Peterson. "Support Staff at Weber County Library System."
Library Mosaics 6 (March/April 1995):8.
Slusar, Linda. "Let Them Out, Let Them In, Let Them Soar!"
Public Libraries (January/February 1998):37-38.
Smith, Duncan, and R. Burgin. "The Motivations of Professional and Paraprofessional Librarians for Participating in Continuing Education Programs."
Library & Information Science Research 13 (October/December 1991):405-429.
Smith, Daniel R. "The Characteristics, Use, and Training of Reference Nonprofessionals in Selected Southeastern Urban Public Libraries." Occasional Papers series. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1991.
Stambaugh, Laine. "Are your library support staff classifications ready for the twenty-first century?"
Library Administration & Management, 14, no. 3 (Summer 2000):167-171.
"Support Staff Training: Why and How?"
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36 (Winter 1995):33.
Tapp, Cheryl. " Techs on the Information Desk."
NetNexus, no. 1 (September 1997). <>
Tennant, Roy. "The Virtual Library Foundation: Staff Training and Support."
Information Technology and Libraries 14 (1 March 1995):46.
Thompson, Glenn. "The Library Technician Programme at Costa Rica's Distance University."
Distance Education 14, no. 1 (1993):165.
Timberlake, Phoebe, and Sybil A. Boudreaux. "Louisiana Libraries and the Role of the Paraprofessional."
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