Me, a librarian?

It's not every day that you find a job that can make a world of difference in people's lives. Libraries have been empowering people by offering resources, services and training to expand their knowledge for thousands of years. Consider joining the 400,000 librarians and library workers who bring opportunity every day to the communities they serve.

While there's no magic test that will tell you if a library career is right for you, there are many characteristics and values that librarians and library workers share:

  • Enjoy helping and serving other people
  • Interested in developing and providing services, resources and materials that inform and entertain, such as books, movies, music, storytelling, websites, local history, databases, and puppets
  • Thrive in a technologically changing environment
  • Interest in information research, preservation and instruction
  • Willing to connect people with a wide variety of value and belief systems to materials that represent multiple points of view
  • Believe strongly in First Amendment rights protecting the freedom of speech and of the press
  • Wish to contribute to the greater good of a literate society
  • Want to be part of a professional community that encourages sharing information, opinions and expertise
  • Respect and uphold people's rights to privacy and the freedom to read what they choose
  • Believe all information resources provided by libraries should be equitably accessible to all library users

If you hold many of these values, then visit Oh, the Places You Will Go to discover the many opportunities available to you in librarianship.

TIP: Decided a library career is not for you, but still love libraries? Consider becoming involved with your local library as a volunteer, friend, or even trustee.

read more about it:

First Amendment Resources

First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.

Core Values

An essential set of core values that define, inform, and guide modern librarianship. These values reflect the history and ongoing development of the profession and have been advanced, expanded, and refined by numerous policy statements of the American Library Association.

Why Work at the Library?

Seattle Public Library gives general explanations about the jobs in their library and reasons for wanting to work there.

Library Journal's Movers & Shakers

Meet a wide variety of interesting people who are making a difference in the library world, the innovators, change agents, digital masters and rebels.

Top 10 Reasons to Be a Librarian (with apologies to David Letterman)

An article by high school library media specialist Martha J. Spear from American Libraries, Oct. 2002.

"Confronting Career Roadblocks by Changing Roads"

A National Public Radio Morning Edition interview with Joseph Nga who decided to change his career path to match the library-related job he had, January 2005.