ALA Emerging Leaders 2014 Final Projects
Emerging Leaders Class of 2014 Project Reports
Team Name: A
Hosting Unit: American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
Member Guide(s): Amy Rominiecki
Staff Liaison: Jennifer Habley
Team Members: Sandy Brand, Beth Ebenstein Mulch, Jillian Rudes, Jean Stock, Angela Van Batavia
Project Title: Moving Forward: L4L 21st-Century Guidelines and Evaluation
Project Description: The 2014 Team A Emerging Leaders developed presentations based on the program guidelines from Empowering Learners and School Librarian Evaluation that will be shared and used by L4L state coordinators at state association conferences and workshops.
Project Details: Our Emerging Leaders group was tasked by AASL to create presentations and accompanying materials to assist L4L state coordinators when presenting at state association conferences and workshops. As a group we brainstormed our task and decided to create Google presentations so that they could be collaboratively developed and adapted for each L4L state coordinator’s needs. Together we used powering Learners and School Librarian Evaluation to create two distinct Google presentations that explain and highlight the program guidelines from these books. We also developed an infographic and poster detailing two themes -- the elements of an effective school library program and school librarian evaluation. These were created for a variety of stakeholders.
Team Name: B
Hosting Unit: Association of College and Research Libraries - Science and Technology Section (ACRL-STS)
Member Guide(s): Melissa Gold, Science Librarian, Millersville University, and ALA Science & Technology Section, Research Agenda Task Force Member
Staff Liaison: Megan Griffin, Program Officer, ACRL, American Library Association
Team Members: Katelyn Angell (Long Island University); Jonathan DaSo (Oxford College of Emory University); Joy Keller (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society); Ashley Rayner (Chicago Public Library); Erica Tyler (Charlotte School of Law)
Project Title: Design for a Virtual Collaboratory for the Science & Technology Section (STS) of ACRL
Project Description: The ACRL/STS Research Agenda Task Force was created to help guide research within the ACRL/STS division. Many of the members of the division have to publish as part of their work, therefore providing research help and a way to collaborate on research would be a valuable contribution. The Research Agenda Task Force charged us with developing a virtual collaboratory that will allow exploration of the research agenda as well as provide members a place to find like-minded research partners.
Project Details: The Team selected three different products to evaluate: Wiggio, Freedcamp, and Producteev. To evaluate the products, we developed a list of yes or no statements focusing on three categories: ease of use, accessibility, and quality of user support and used a Likert scale to quantify agreement with each statement after each member spent time learning and using the products.
Data were then evaluated for inter-rater reliability using Cronbach's alpha and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient to ensure that the group was in agreement with their evaluations and scoring.
Due to its ease of use, excellent support, and the fact that it’s cost-free, we recommend the use of Wiggio as the digital collaboratory for STS members.
Wiggio provides multiple ways to communicate among group members, unlimited file storage, the ability to create private spaces within groups, and various task management tools to facilitate the progress of projects. Each member will be able to create an individual account, and Wiggio facilitates this process by allowing individuals to create accounts from their already existing Facebook accounts. We're confident that Wiggio will meet the needs of STS and facilitate research among the section.
The team's recommendation to STS is to create a Wiggio group, assign a member to moderate it (although little management need is expected) and begin publicizing to members as a collaboratory platform to share research ideas and projects.
Team Name: C
Hosting Unit: Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS)
Member Guide(s): Donia Conn, Ballston Spa, NY
Staff Liaison: Charles Wilt, ALCTS Executive Director
Team Members: Annie Pho, Kyle Denlinger, Daniel Ransom, Mari Martinez
Project Title: How to win the internet and influence people: Improving the use of social media in ALCTS
Project Description:
The purpose of this project is to analyze the current ALCTS presence on social media channels and how it can be reshaped to help the division recruit the next generation of ALCTS leaders. The Emerging Leaders Team will review ALCTS current social media management and will propose recommendations based on successful social media practices by other non-profit groups and associations.
Key Questions:
How is ALCTS communicating with its members? How is it leveraging the social power of the internet to connect technical services specialists with each other? How can it harness the internet to share its valuable products and services with the library community?
Project Details:
Team Cat took on the following goals: an environmental scan of existing social media use by ALCTS; a survey of technical services librarians, library staff, and MLIS students to better understand their use of social media; and developing best practice recommendations for the most popular social media platforms as indicated by our survey results, with an eye towards inspiring new professionals to follow ALCTS.
Final Project Page:
Team Name: D
Hosting Unit: Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS)
Member Guide(s): Susan Wynne
Staff Liaison: Christine McConnell
Team Members: Sojourna J. Cunningham, Katy DiVittorio, Kai Alexis Smith, Ashley Smolinski
Project Title: Building Your Web and Making it Grow: Virtual ALCTS 101
Project Description: To develop a virtual version of ALCTS 101, an orientation to the ALCTS division held each year at the ALA Annual Conference, in order to encourage new membership and inspire further engagement for current members of ALCTS
Project Details: Team D created a template that will advise ALCTS on the creation of a Virtual 101. Recommendations pertain to the following areas:
1) Tools and/or platforms
3) Avenues & strategies for advertising
4) Strategies for encouraging interaction and participation
5) Strategies for following up with participants after the session
6) Assessment tool for participants to evaluate virtual ACLTS 101 session(s)
7) A mechanism to track non member attendees who later join ALCTS
8) Topics of discussion
Team Name: E
Hosting Unit: Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
Member Guide(s): Ernie Cox
Staff Liaison: Dan Bostrom
Team Members: Amber Conger, Kristen Curé, Hanna Lee, Kara Riley, Soraya Silverman-Montano
Project Title: Ask, Assess, Advocate: Demonstrating the Value of Library Youth Services
Project Description:This project offers alternative models for evaluating and demonstrating library youth services.
Project Details: ALSC charged Team E to create a "library value calculator" to demonstrate the value of library youth services, in an effort to support the advocacy efforts of librarians, particularly those in under-served communities. However, research indicates that the library value calculator’s focus on direct library usage and outputs—rather than outcomes and impacts—makes it an ineffective, inadequate tool for librarians looking to demonstrate the value of library youth services.
This project offers valuation alternatives from libraries and beyond. We examine existing valuation projects in public libraries, using the contingent valuation method, cost/benefit analysis, and return on Investment; we consider outcome measurements and logic models from museums and non-profits; and we explore the vast world of school library assessment research. We conclude with recommendations to ALSC to continue the work of determining and demonstrating value, through research and advocacy.
Final Project Page:
Team Name: F
Hosting Unit: ALA Chapter Relations Office
Member Guide(s): Gina Persichini
Staff Liaison: Don Wood
Team Members:
Aaron LaFromboise, Medicine Spring Library, Blackfeet Community College, Browning, MT
Lynette Roberson, Dallas Public Library, Dallas, TX
Morgan Sohl, Driftwood Public Library, Lincoln City, OR
Lindsey Taggart, Crowder College, Neosho, MO
Project Title: Librarians Build Communities: A Continuing Emerging Leaders Project
Project Description: See Final Report
Additional Materials:
Team Name: G
Hosting Unit: Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)
Member Guide(s): Lisa Zhao, Sai Deng, Li Fu
Staff Liaison: Michelle Harell Washington
Team Members: Sam Suber, Leila Rod-Welch, Monnee Tong, Raymond Pun
Project Title: Telling Chinese American Librarians’ Stories
Project Description: In celebrating CALA's 40th anniversary, CALA will promote its outstanding members to the whole library community through video. Last year, CALA created one story about Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee’s life, available on CALA’s YouTube channel and various social media. This year, the Emerging Leaders chose two outstanding members who have made significant contributions to the library and information science field and made their stories accessible to the greater library community. This is a continuous project. Each year, more members will be added, and the project will form a collection of outstanding Chinese American librarians and their contributions to the library and information science field.
Project Details: This year the CALA’s 2014 Emerging Leaders created two videos featuring notable Chinese American librarians: Dr. Lois Mai Chan of the University of Kentucky and Dr. Tze-chung Li of Dominican University. These videos feature in-person interviews, interviews from professional colleagues and students, and bibliographies. The videos also feature historic photos of Dr. Li and Dr. Chan throughout their careers.
These videos will be posted on CALA listerv, facebook and other social media.
Final Project Page:
Team Name: H
Hosting Unit: Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT)
Member Guide(s): Paige Andrew
Staff Liaison: Danielle Alderson
Team Members: Andrew Coulon, Bretagne Byrd, Annie Gaines, Ariana Hussain
Project Title: MAGIRT Assessment and Outreach Capabilities
Project Description: MAGIRT asked this Emerging Leader team to assess the outreach and service capabilities of the organization in order to make recommendations to the organization as it moves forward. MAGIRT was specifically interested in assessing its marketing strategies to see what could be improved in order to recruit new members, and to improve communication to outside organizations. Additionally, the organization was interested in identifying gaps in capabilities and services to other ALA units. MAGIRT requested practical 'action items' for MAGIRT's leaders and members.
Project Details:
By collecting data from current MAGIRT members and non-members, we have found patterns in membership demographics, needs of members and non-members, reasons for lack of membership, and directions the members would like the organization to go. Additionally, we analyzed the current social media and web presence or the organization, and looked back to a 2010 marketing report for the organization to see what had already been recommended and implemented and consulted with current MAGIRT leadership to see what could be improved upon.
The membership of MAGIRT is made predominately of academic librarians, or library support or technical staff in academic libraries. However, one of the largest groups of participants in MAGIRT webinars and services, especially those of its most popular program, the 'Accidental Map Librarian,' are public or special librarians or library staff who cannot afford membership to MAGIRT. Another group of potential members not represented in our survey are LIS students, who are able to become members of ALA and MAGIRT at a reduced rate. Student members could also provide a new perspective to the organization, and might be able to participate in new social media and communication activities for the organization. Our analysis, surveys, and interviews provided us with a wealth of information on what MAGIRT members would like, and what non-members would need to become members.
Our recommendations to MAGIRT leadership are as follows:
Provide Outreach to Students and New Professionals
Offer discounted membership to LIS students in exchange for projects completed for MAGIRT
Offer scholarships to LIS students for conference attendance
Offer awards for best LIS student research related to maps or geospatial information
Create a mentorship program to connect new professionals with more experienced map librarians
Provide Outreach to the Broader Library Community
Table at conferences other than ALA Annual and Midwinter
Partner with other groups on programs, events, and resources
Produce helpful tools using MAGIRT expertise
Improve Communication within and Beyond the Organization
Improve social media presence
- Update web presence
Final Project Page:
Team Name: I
Hosting Unit: New Members Round Table (NMRT)
Member Guide(s): Andrea Mullarkey
Staff Liaison: Kimberly Redd, Program Officer, HRDR
Team Members: Tameca Beckett, Tegan Davis, Laura Miller, and Shawn Walsh
Project Title: Creating a New Members Round Table Membership Promotion Video
Project Description: New Members Round Table's mission is to help those who have been ALA members for less than ten years become actively involved in the association and the profession. Many new ALA members, however, are bypassing NMRT and missing out on the career-building opportunities we offer. This project group will create a video promoting membership in the New Members Round Table by highlighting the effects it can have on an individual's professional life. Upon approval by the NMRT Executive Board, this video will be published on the NMRT website and promoted through various social media outlets.
Project Details:
Final Project Page:
Team produced two videos:
1. A Bunch of Reasons to Join NMRT!
Real librarians talking about the real benefits of joining the American Library Association's New Members Round Table (NMRT)
Briefly animated story
Team Name: J
Hosting Unit: New Members Round Table (NMRT)
Member Guide(s): Margaret Howard - ALA NMRT Chair Vice Presidential Planning Committee
Staff Liaison: Kimberly Redd, Porgram Officer, HRDR
Team Members: Laura Arnhold, Erin Berman, Erin Huffman, Kate Tkacik
Project Title: Development and Marketing of NMRT-branded Merchandise
Project Description:Developing revenue streams for NMRT that are not tied directly to membership dues. This project focuses on designing updated NMRT logo and NMRT-branded merchandise (e.g. t-shirts, mugs, pins) and the development of a marketing strategy for distributing these products.
Project Details: Group J developed a detailed marketing plan for NMRT. The plan includes an updated NMRT logo, several new merchandising logos, and steps for increasing/maintaining and developing new revenue streams. Through the implementation of this plan, the New Members Round Table will revitalize the NMRT brand and position NMRT as a new librarian’s ultimate introductory resource to ALA.
Team Name: K
Hosting Unit: ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR)
Member Guide(s): April Roy
Staff Liaison: Beatrice Calvin, Program Officer, Placement/Recruitment, HRDR
Team Members: Dolly Goyal, Matt Krueger, Rebecca Leonhard, Ben Rodriguez, Bianna Ryan, Kelly Stade
Project Title: LibraryCareers.Org Revitalization
Project Description: The goal is to bring the website ( up to a level that will entice younger people to take a look at the profession. In order to do this, the group recommends adding new resources that include a variety of multimedia.
Project Details: was updated to current usability standards. The process organized information in a way that is easy to find and put focus on desired content. The primary focus is given to valuable created content rather than using the website as a gateway to the internet. Following this goal, only the most valuable links will be shared. Infographics, videos, and sparse text have been added.
Final Project Page: [Revisions will be displayed once all revisions have been completed.]
Team Name: L
Hosting Unit: LearnRT
Member Guide(s): Caitlin Moen, Heidi Nagel
Staff Liaison: Kim Redd, Program Officer, HRDR
Team Members: Nataly Blas, Kate Blinn, Jenifer French, Zara Wilkinson, Lacy Wolfe
Project Title: Reaching Your Round Table: A Marketing and Communications Plan for the ALA LearnRT
Project Description: Emerging Leader’s Team L surveyed the members of the Learning Round Table in order to ascertain communication preferences and current involvement with LearnRT in order to develop a marketing and communications plan.
Project Details: The survey instrument included 12 questions both multiple choice and open-ended and was distributed via the listserv. Of the 480 listserv subscribers, 41 responses were received. Team L discovered that LearnRT members prefer communication via email and the LearnRT listserv with an interest in social media presence. From the survey’s open-ended responses, there is a clear interest in improving the group communications and making more up-to-date content available. There are a number of listserv subscribers who are not members of LearnRT, so there is an opportunity to recruit new members.
A Marketing and Communications Plan was developed for the LearnRT based on findings from the survey. The plan includes communication goals and objectives which encompass social media, website maintenance, branding, outreach, and assessment. Additionally, a communications calendar is provided for the LearnRT to utilize in assigning tasks and delivering content in a timely manner.
Final Project Page: