Greenwood Publishing Group

ABC-CLIO/Greenwood is widely recognized for high-quality, authoritative, reference scholarship and innovative coverage of history, humanities, and general interest topics across the secondary and higher education curriculum. With widely respected publishing programs in Military History, American and World History, and now Religion, the reference collections of the ABC-CLIO/Greenwood imprint continue to answer students’ and educators’ needs for factual foundations in specialized subject areas. The imprint's many award-winning titles in the social sciences and humanities range from in-depth multi-volume encyclopedias to more concise handbooks, guides, and biographies. Our reference program also focuses on the alignment of reference and both secondary and college level curriculum by providing resources that support coursework and subject specialties. Learn more
Opportunities Sponsored
Greenwood Publishing Group Award for Best Book in Library Literature
To recognize those who improve management principles and practice, understanding and application of new techniques, or further the education of librarians or other information specialists.
Louis Shores - Greenwood Publishing Group Award
This award recognizes an individual reviewer, group, editor, review medium or organization for excellence in book reviewing and other media for libraries.
Frances Henne Award
The Frances Henne Award recognizes a school librarian with five years or less experience who demonstrates leadership qualities with students, teachers and administrators, to attend
Greenwood Publishing Group Service to Young Adults Achievement Award
The grant recognizes a member who has demonstrated unique and sustained devotion to young adult services through substantial work in several initiatives.