ALA Connect Community Request Form
Let us know more about the community you would like to create on ALA Connect
Contact Information
Proposed community name
Where will the community be located?
American Library Association (ALA)
AASL: The only national professional membership organization focused on school librarians and the sc (AASL)
ACRL is the leading resource for the academic and research librarian community. Members increase the (ACRL)
ALSC is an organization committed to building a better future for children through libraries. ALSC m (ALSC)
Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures brings together the community and collective expertise of (CORE)
CSKBART is widely known for the following programs and services: 1) Coretta Scott King Breakfast; 2) (CSKBART)
EMIERT supports the development of ethnic and multilingual collections, services and programs; provi (EMIERT)
FMRT is the only organization within ALA that addresses issues and facilitates communication related (FMRT)
GameRT is for exchanging ideas about games and gaming in libraries, supporting game programming in l (GAMERT)
IFRT provides for activities, programs, and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries & libraria (IFRT)
Increase citizen support for your library by joining United for Libraries, the national organization (UNITED)
Invest in your career or show your support for library services to teens and join YALSA; our goal is (YALSA)
IRRT’s mission is to promote interest in library issues and librarianship worldwide; to serve as a l (IRRT)
LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel and he (LEARNRT)
LHRT supports research in library history and is active in issues, such as preservation, that conce (LHRT)
LIRT empowers librarians, from all types of libraries, to become better teachers through sharing bes (LIRT)
LRRT provides programs to describe, evaluate and disseminate library research projects; informs and (LRRT)
LSSRT addresses issues of concern to support staff, including training programs, education, career d (LSSRT)
MAGIRT is the world’s largest map and geospatial library organization. MAGIRT leads and inspires inf (MAGIRT)
Make a difference in your career, your library, and your profession with PLA, the only national orga (PLA)
NMRT helps those who have been association members for fewer than ten years become actively involved (NMRT)
RUSA connects people to resources, information services, and collections, builds relationships among (RUSA)
SRRT establishes progressive priorities for ALA and the profession. SRRT believes that libraries and (SRRT)
SustainRT supports an equitable, healthy and economically viable society via curriculum development, (SUSTRT)
The Rainbow Round Table (RRT) is committed to serving the LGBTQIA+ professional communities and popu (RRT)
The RMRT focuses on maintaining networking and relationships among members-either retired or in late (RMRT)
To contribute to the development of documents librarians by providing a forum for the exchange of id (GODORT)
To provide a collaborative platform for engagement, advocacy, and professional development around co (GNCRT)
Who can create events in this community?
Administrator and Community Member
Do you want Workspace enabled in this community?
What is the public description for this community?
Is there any other background information we should know about the community's purpose/goals?
If membership for this community is managed by an iMIS code, please enter the committee code below?
Who can join this community?
Only members of the group with the iMIS code above
Only invited users
Any ALA Members
Any logged-in users (including non-ALA Members)
Who can view this community?
Only invited users
Only members of this microsite (e.g. Division or Round Table)
Any ALA Members
Any logged-in users (including non-ALA Members)
Anyone (Public)
Who will be the community admin(s) for this group?
What is 3 + 1 ?