Report of the ALA Special Task Force on Sustainability
The Report was accepted by ALA Council at the ALA Annual Meeting, 2018 (New Orleans, LA: June 21-26). A final version has not yet been approved.
Click Here to read the full report.
Sustainability at ALA in New Orleans (June 21-26, 2018)
Put sustainability on your schedule at the ALA! The SustainRT business/membership meeting and programs will be on Sunday 6/24/2018 at the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans .
Please use the online conference schedule to verify times and locations
SustainRT Sponsored Programs ALA 2018
Saturday 6/23/2018
Sustainability Strategies for Libraries and Communities
From American Libraries, 2/13/2018
Stories of Sustainability: Librarians Explore Different Strategies for a Changing World
By Terra Dankowski | February 13, 2018
Conference Report: AASHE Annual Conference, 2017
By Betsy Evans
The AASHE Annual Conference and Expo in San Antonio in mid-October (October 15 – 18) was the confluence of a few thousand sustainability professionals and faculty from institutions of higher education around the world. And perhaps only one librarian. (My tweet got only three hearts and no replies!)
Conference Report: Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene
May 13-14, NYU
By Amy Brunvand
It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work. –Wendell Berry