Call for Proposal
A Call for Nominations and Applications
A Call for Nominations: Citation for Wellness in the Workplace Award
Call for Submissions: JCLIS special issue on Libraries & Archives in the Anthropocene
The Journal of Critical Library & Information Studies is seeking submissions on the theme of libraries and archives in the Anthropocene.
Deadline for submission, June 30, 2018.
Please read the attached .pdf for details and how to submit.
Do you have a sustainability-related library story to tell?
We are looking for presenters who would like to share their sustainability-related library projects during our program at ALA Annual 2016 in Orlando.
Format: Presenters will have five minutes each to tell their story, with follow-up questions at the end of the program. Presenters may opt to use one fixed image (electronic or otherwise) as part of their presentation. The program will be held at ALA Annual on Sunday, June 26th from 10:30-11:30AM.