Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Toolkit

Join the celebration of “Words Have Power” at your library. The American Library Association (ALA) is celebrating Banned Books Week (September 24-30) with a national Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament. The Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament challenges readers to tweet action items that spotlight library resources, First Amendment rights and the harms of censorship.

Thank you for partnering with the American Library Association for the Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament! Below are some resources to help you celebrate the Tournament.

Tweets l Social Media | Web Banners | Customizable Flyer | Printable Bookmarks | GIFs & Memes | Coloring Sheet

Please Credit ALA: "Artwork courtesy of the American Library Association."


Banned Books Week Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Official American Library Association

  • Celebrate #BannedBooksWeek by joining the @ALALibrary #RebelReader Twitter Tournament!
  • Tweet a link to your local library’s homepage (*ahem*) w/ hashtag #RebelReader to be entered into a literary drawing, hosted by @ALALibrary.
  • It’s #BannedBooksWeek and we’re kicking it off with a #RebelReader Twitter Tournament.
  • Harry Potter completed tasks in the Triwizard Tournament. Now it’s your turn: #RebelReader #BannedBooksWeek

Social Media Cover Images

Banned Books Week Official Words Have Power Facebook Header

Facebook cover art (click image to enlarge to 850 X 315)
Banned Books Week 2017 Official Words Have Power Twitter Image

Twitter cover art (click image to enlarge to 1500 X 500)

Social Media Ads

Banned Books Week Official Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Facebook Ad

Facebook ad (click image to enlarge to 940 X 788)
Banned Books Week 2017 Official Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Instagram

Instagram (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080)
Banned Books Week 2017 Official Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Instagram

Instagram (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080)

Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Task Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Video Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Post a Quote Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Educator
(click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080) (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080) (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080) (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080)
Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament coloring sheet Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament homepage Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Words Have Power Swag Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Tweet some love to a banned author
(click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080) (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080) (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080) (click image to enlarge to 1080 X 1080)

Web Banners

Banned Books Week Official Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Web Banner

Size 300 X 250
Banned Books Week 2017 Official Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Web Banner

Size 500 X 80
Banned Books Week 2017 Official Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Web Banner

Size 500 X 80

Customizable Flyer

Complete this customizable flyer by typing your library's name. (Printable PDF 8.5" x 11")

Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Customizable Flyer

Printable Bookmarks

Bookmarks - 4 per sheet (Printable PDF 8.5" x 11")

Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Bookmarks

GIFs & Memes

Rebel Reader Twitter Tournament Gif

Coloring Sheet

Words have power coloring sheet

PDF (click image to enlarge to 8.5" x 11")


Contact ALA Banned Books Week at or tweet us at @OIF. May the odds be ever in your favor!