Jury Membership

  1. The Jury shall be comprised of seven American Library Association members with experience in book selection and knowledge of disability experiences.
  2. Jury members are appointed by the staff liaison and the Chair of ALA Awards, from the Office of Governance of ALA, who also appoints the Jury Chair.
  3. The Jury shall include one current member from each of the following ALA divisions:
    • ALSC, the Association for Library Service to Children
    • YALSA, the Young Adult Library Service Association
    • ASCLA, the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies
  4. One member shall be the children’s or young adult librarian from the Library of Congress, NLS/BPH, who is an ALA member and who may serve for unlimited terms. Alternatively, a librarian from the NLS network of state libraries may be appointed to fill this position on the committee.
  5. The normal term on the Jury shall be one year with the option of reappointment for one additional year, from June to June.
  6. Previous members may be reappointed after a two-year hiatus.