
  1. Content
    • May be fiction, biography, or other form of nonfiction.
    • Must portray the emotional, mental, or physical disability as part of a full life, not as something to be pitied.
    • Representation of characters with disabilities should be realistic, avoiding exaggeration or stereotypes.
    • Person with disability should be integral to the presentation, not merely a passive bystander.
    • The theme must be appropriate for and respectful of the intended audience age.
    • Information on a disability must be accurate.
  2. Style
    • Should be well written
    • Should be engaging with distinctive use of language for plot and character development and setting delineation.
    • Book should be judged on its own merit as a self-contained entity, not as part of a series, and irrespective of supportive materials such as a CD or other supplemental material.
  3. Illustration and Design
    • Text and images should complement or enhance each other, with differentiated contrast between text, pictures, and background.
    • Format and typeface must be of age appropriate size, clearly readable, and free of typographical errors.
    • Layout should be easy to follow, enhancing the flow of the story or information.
    • Preference will be given to books that can be made available in accessible formats.