Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions About the Gale Group Financial Development Award
Q: How detailed should my application be?
- A: Please check the Gale Research Company Financial Development Award Guidelines. Your application should bedetailed enough to give the Awards Jury a good understanding of:
(1) your goals;
(2) your planning efforts;
(3) the amount you attempted to raise;
(4) the amount you raised;
(5) the amount you spent raising it;
(6) how you raised it;
(7) who was involved; and
(8) your evaluation of the project's strengths and weaknesses.
Q: Should I include a scrapbook or brochures?
A: This is not a publicity contest, so you need not prepare a scrapbook with the elaborateness required by the John Cotton Dana Award. If you feel that a brochure or additional documentation would help explain the extent and success of your efforts, by all means include copies. The award will not be given on the presentation of the application, but on the content and success of the project itself.
Q: If a professional fund-raiser has been used, should I include this information?
A: Yes. Although a professional fund-raiser is used, the involvement and support of the community and Friends groups should not be overlooked.
Q: What kinds of libraries are eligible to enter this contest?
A: Public, School and Academic Libraries
Q: Must the fund-raising project have happened in the year preceding the award?
A: No, although it must be a "significantly new effort."
Q: Can I nominate someone else's library?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the fund-raising project have to be a one-shot deal or can it consist of a series of projects?
A: It can be either.
Q: Can I nominate my own library?
A: Yes.