ProQuest/GODORT/ALA "Documents to the People" Award
The ProQuest/GODORT/ALA "Documents to the People" Award is a tribute to an individual, library, institution, or other non-commercial group that has most effectively encouraged the use of government documents in support of library service.
This award is given to the ASERL CFDP as it offers an achievable and sustainable plan for the development and preservation of comprehensive depository...
This award is given to Lou for her “commitment, creativity and dedication to the principles embodied in the phrase “Documents to the People.”
2011 - Winner(s)
Next Deadline
The Awards Committee of the Government Documents Round Table is authorized to make no award in a year when, in its opinion, no outstanding achievement is brought to its attention.
Nominations are due December 2, 2013. Please submit the completed nomination form to the Awards Committee Chair:
Beth Clausen
(email submission only, please).
Letters in support of the nomination are due December 9, 2013.
A framed plaque with the individual's name and achievement plus a $3,000 monetary prize to be assigned to a project of the recipient's choice.
The recipient is responsible for any travel expenses to attend the ALA Annual Conference.
Award may be announced as soon as ProQuest and the recipient have been notified. Presentation will be made at the GODORT Membership Reception during the ALA Annual Conference.