The award named for Eileen Cooke, former director of the ALA Washington Office, honors state or local individuals, groups, or other entities that have championed access to government information and the public's right to know. Cooke herself was a tireless advocate for the public’s right to know and a mentor to many librarians and trustees.
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Submissions should include a statement (maximum one page) about the nominee’s contribution to public access to government information and why it merits the award and one seconding letter. Please include a brief biography and contact information for the nominee.
Send e-mail nominations to Gavin Baker, Assistant Director, at Submissions can also be mailed to:
Eileen Cooke AwardAmerican Library AssociationWashington Office1615 New Hampshire Avenue, NWWashington, D.C. 20009-2520
The award is presented during Freedom of Information (FOI) Day, an annual event on or near March 16, Madison’s birthday.