CJCLS EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Award
An annual award that recognizes significant achievement in the area of community college programs.
Professional Recognition Information
Title | Year | |
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Anjali Parasnis-Samar
2021 - Winner(s) |
2021 - Winner(s) |
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Alice Wilson
2021 - Winner(s) |
2021 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
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Colorado Community College System
2020 - Winner(s) "The CCCS OER project has already converted the top 40 Guaranteed Transfer Pathways General Education Curriculum classes to Open Education Resources materials. In a few... |
2020 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
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Laura Luiz
2019 - Winner(s) “Laura Luiz’s efforts with Get Out the BC Vote allowed the library to connect with the Student Government Association to help students become informed voters... |
2019 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
Bucks County Community College
2018 - Winner(s) The Learning Resources Faculty Institutes are two- or four-day immersive professional development opportunities for Bucks County Community College faculty. Designed and convened by faculty for... |
2018 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
LDS Business College
2017 - Winner(s) “There’s a Monster in the Library” is an online tutorial for information literacy instruction stylized as a virtual comic book and utilizing gamification principles and... |
2017 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
Austin Community College Library Services
2016 - Winner(s) Austin Community College Library Services has integrated information literacy tutorials and instruction within many key academic and workforce programs. The Research Tutorials Suite follows student... |
2016 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
Andrew G. Truxal Library
2015 - Winner(s) Developed by Rabin and Lathrop and launched as a pilot in spring 2013, the Virtual Writing Center is an innovative response to data that showed... |
2015 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
Parkland College
2014 - Winner(s) Originally conceived by Hackman and Sherry Cmiel, former information services librarian at Parkland College, SPARK was one of the first institutional repositories created at a... |
2014 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
Palo Alto College
2013 - Winner(s) Providing face-to-face reference and instruction services away from the physical library, the Library a la Carte project is designed to meet students “where they are.”... |
2013 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
The Medrano Project
2012 - Recipient(s)
“The Medrano Project provides a model for effective librarian and classroom instructor collaboration that can be implemented in almost any college or university,” said... |
2012 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
2011 - Winner(s)
“Leslie was selected for her innovative assessment work and collaboration with a faculty member on an information literacy assessment project and subsequent 2010 book... |
2011 - Winner(s) |
Title | Year | |
Northwest Vista College Library
2010 - Recipient(s) |
2010 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
2009 - Recipient(s)
“Diana Fitzwater’s initiative to coordinate the information literacy program at the College of DuPage is quite worthy of this award,” said award committee chair... |
2009 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Hazard Community & Technical College
2008 - Recipient(s) Hazard Community & Technical College hosts an annual regional conference in Southeastern Kentucky, which brings together academic, public and school librarians. The program includes trainers... |
2008 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Hagan Foundation Center for the Humanities at Spokane Community College
2007 - Recipient(s) |
2007 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Georgia Perimeter College
2006 - Recipient(s) |
2006 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
City College of San Francisco
2005 - Recipient(s) |
2005 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
North Harris Montgomery Community College District
2004 - Recipient(s) |
2004 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Baton Rouge Community College Library
2003 - Recipient(s) |
2003 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
St. Petersburg Junior College
2002 - Recipient(s) |
2002 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Tompkins Cortland Community College
2001 - Recipient(s) |
2001 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
The Indian River Community College
2000 - Recipient(s) |
2000 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Richland College
1999 - Recipient(s) |
1999 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Oakton Community College
1998 - Recipient(s) |
1998 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
1995 - Recipient(s) |
1995 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
1994 - Recipient(s) |
1994 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
1993 - Recipient(s) |
1993 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
The Library Collection Development Committee of St. Petersburg Junior College
1992 - Recipient(s) |
1992 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Jimmie Anne Nourse & Rudy Widman
1991 - Recipient(s) |
1991 - Recipient(s) |
Title | Year | |
Cooperative Collection Development Committee of the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Services
1990 - Recipient(s) |
1990 - Recipient(s) |
Individuals or groups from two-year institutions, as well as the two-year institutions themselves, are eligible to receive awards. Nominations will be kept on file for three consecutive years.
Nominees for the program award should demonstrate significant achievement in development of a unique and innovative learning resources/library program.
Electronic submissions through the online nomination form are required. Nominations should include a narrative letter describing the achievements and any supporting attachments.
Questions or requests for assistance in compiling a nomination should be directed to Laura Mondt, Northern Essex Community College, lmondt@necc.mass.edu.
$750 cash plus citation