The CIS/GODORT/ALA "Documents to the People" Award is a tribute to an individual, library, institution, or other non-commercial group that has most effectively encouraged the use of government documents in support of library service.
Maliaca has directed TRAIL since its inception. She continues to provide leadership roles not only with this project but as well in leading several strategic...
The 2009 recipient of the LexisNexis/GODORT/ALA/Documents to the People Award is Daniel Cornwall. This award honors the individual “who has most effectively encouraged the use...
The 2007 Lexis/Nexis/GODORT Documents to the People Award is given to Cathy Nelson Hartman, Assistant Dean for Digital and Information Technologies at the University of...
Sherry Mosley, Government Documents Department Head at Florida International University Libraries, is given the Lexis/Nexis/GODORT/ALA “Documents to the People” Award for her role in the...
Daniel P. O’Mahony, Brown University Library, has been chosen as the 2005 recipient of the LexisNexis/GODORT/ALA “Documents to the People” Award. This award is a...
Counting California, a web-based system providing open access to economic and social data on California, has been chosen as the 2004 recipient of the LexisNexis/GODORT/ALA...
The 2003 recipient of the LexisNexis/GODORT/ALA "Documents to the People" Award is Nan Myers, Associate Professor and Librarian, Government Documents, Patents and Trademarks in the...
The Awards Committee of the Government Documents Round Table is authorized to make no award in a year when, in its opinion, no outstanding achievement is brought to its attention.