The ALA Excellence in Library Programming Award recognizes a library that demonstrates excellence in library programming by creating a cultural/thematic program type or program series, presented during the preceding year (September 1 - August 31), that engages the community in planning, sponsorship and/or active participation, addresses an identified community need, and has a measurable impact.
We Are the Alexandria Library Sit-In was a year-long celebration of the 80th anniversary of a historic protest at the library. This 1939 protest of the city’s...
The bi-annual event “The Power of Words,” presented by Monroe County Public Library and the Friends of the Library, features an author who writes on...
The Skokie (Ill.) Public Library and its partners created Voices of Race the latest entry in Skokie’s annual “Coming Together” series, which highlights the incredibly...
The OSU Library and its campus and community partners created “Science Café at OSU: Potential Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration,” a series to highlight...
The Kansas City Public Library and its community partners created “Greetings from Kansas City” programs and exhibitions featuring historic postcards from the library’s...
The Carbondale Public Library and its community partners created 11 Days for Compassion in response to a local Occupy movement and a strike at the...
2013 - Winner(s)
Next Deadline
In recognition that programming is an essential part of service delivery in all types of libraries, school, public, academic, and special libraries are all eligible. The nominated program/series must have been for a public audience.
The ALA Excellence in Library Programming Award recognizes a library that demonstrates excellence in library programming by creating a cultural/thematic program type or program series. A cultural/thematic program is one that features the humanities, sciences, arts, creative arts, community and civic engagement programs, as well as programs in conjunction with exhibitions, community-wide reading programs, or other community-wide programs. Application for the ALA Excellence in Library Programming Award is in the form of a self-nomination submitted online to the Award Committee by a school, public, academic, or special library in the United States, on a cultural/thematic program series presented during the preceding year (September 1 – August 31).