Notable Government Documents
To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

The "Notable Documents List" was originally begun by the Notable Documents Panel of the American Library Association's Government Documents Round Table, with hopes that the list would promote awareness and acquisition of government publications by libraries and use by library patrons. The list also was intended to recognize the individuals and agencies involved in producing these excellent sources of information and inspiration.
The Notable Documents Panel was initiated in 1982, by a proposal from the Education Task Force to the GODORT Steering Committee. The annotated citations lead to hundreds of outstanding publications from all levels of government and in an ever expanding range of formats. Reprints are available free as a public service from LexisNexis, 7500 Old Georgetown Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814.
The "Notable Documents List" first appeared in RQ in the 1984 and 1985 spring issues. From 1986 on it has been published in the May 15 issue of Library Journal. Yearly citations cover documents from the previous two years, so "1983 Notable Documents List" published in 1984 would include items published in 1982/1983 and so on. Beginning in the early nineties, the annual feature took on distinctive titles, with the subtitle "Notable Documents" and, 1992 on, "Notable Government Documents."
A complete bibliography of the lists can be found
Administered by:
Frequency: Annual
The final list is published in Library Journal in the May 15 issue.
Award Information
Title | Year | |
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ODOT 100
2011 - Selection(s) Well before statehood, Oklahomans began building roadways and advocating actively for better road conditions. On March 16, 1911, the Oklahoma Legislature passed House Bill 318... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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The Great Recession and Developing Countries
2011 - Selection(s) The financial crisis of 2008 to 2009 spread like a contagion from the United States to the rest of the world and raised questions about... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Mexico’s “Narco-Refugees”
2011 - Selection(s) This report focuses on the growing challenge to American immigration and national security policy posed by Mexicans who involuntarily cross the border in order to... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Aquifers of Texas
2011 - Selection(s) This study provides an overview of nine major and 21 minor Texas aquifers. Summaries describe the geology, hydrology, and water use of the aquifers, while... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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The Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflict and Education
2011 - Selection(s) More than 40 percent of children in countries engaged in armed conflict are not in school. This report documents the effects of war on education... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Then Came the Fire
2011 - Selection(s) In 2011, there were many publications designed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. In addition to the 59 people... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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A Community-Based Food System
2011 - Selection(s) Interest in local foods is increasing throughout the United States. Leaders in the Martinsville, VA, region realized this growing awareness could help foster a community-based... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Looking Ahead in World Food and Agriculture: Perspectives to 2050
2011 - Selection(s) This collection of essays offers an assessment of where agriculture is headed and what must be done to meet the world’s food demands in the... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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U.S. Army Order of Battle, 1919–1941
2011 - Selection(s) This massive encyclopedia outlines the command structure of the U.S. Army. It contains an entry for each individual unit and provides information such as name... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Federal Health Care Reform
2011 - Selection(s) Many questions and much misinformation arose after the passage of the Affordable Care Act. The Bureau of Insurance in Virginia took action to offer its... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Police Perception Survey 2011: The Afghan Perspective
2011 - Selection(s) The authors present the results of the third annual public opinion survey concerning the Afghan National Police (ANP), and it is full of unexpected details... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Weather Spotters Field Guide
2011 - Selection(s) Since the 1960s, SKYWARN, a program of the National Weather Service, has trained thousands of volunteer, on-the-ground weather spotters to recognize the initial signs of... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Virginia Memory Project
2011 - Selection(s) The Library of Virginia maintains vast and varied collections of print materials, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and ephemera, maps and atlases, rare books, and... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
Cathlapotle and Its Inhabitants, 1792–1860
2011 - Selection(s) Anthropologist Boyd has written the most comprehensive synthesis to date of known ethnographic and historic information concerning the “Cathlapotle Reach,” a stretch of the Columbia... |
2011 - Selection(s) | |
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Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation
2011 - Selection(s) In this massive volume, the world’s leading body on climate change assesses the technological development, costs, potential, and environmental and social effects of hydropower, bioenergy... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
Crossing the Water
2011 - Selection(s) “The three bridges known as ‘Four Bears’ and the Garrison Dam had a profound effect on the people living along the Missouri River and on... |
2011 - Selection(s) | |
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Against the Odds
2011 - Selection(s) Why do some socioeconomically underprivileged students succeed in the classroom while so many others fail? This report uses data collected through the Programme for International... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Confronting the Nation’s Fiscal Policy Challenges
2011 - Selection(s) The so-called Super Committee created by the Budget Control Act of 2011 was charged with formulating a bipartisan recommendation for dealing with budget challenges created... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development
2011 - Selection(s) The authors examine gender inequality and the potential role of governments in ending it. While many countries have made dramatic progress in this area, others... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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North Dakota Trail Guide
2011 - Selection(s) North Dakota offers outdoor enthusiasts a wide choice of trails for exploring the state’s diverse terrain, beautiful scenery, and historic landmarks. Whether seasoned or novice... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Atlas of Global Development
2011 - Selection(s) Through the use of thematic maps, charts, tables, and clear prose, this book portrays progress in the struggle against a wide range of global problems... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Freedom by the Sword
2011 - Selection(s) In what may be the definitive “operational history” of black troops in action during the Civil War, Dobak describes the differences in how freedmen and... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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The Senate’s Civil War
2011 - Selection(s) A collection of photographs, maps, political cartoons, and other materials that emphasize the crucial role played by the U.S. Senate during the Civil War and... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Sundogs and Sunflowers
2011 - Selection(s) With more than 1000 folklore texts representing the peoples and cultures of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Montana, and Canadian provinces, from 2010 to... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Combating Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity: Council of Europe Standards
2011 - Selection(s) The Council of Europe—a major human rights organization—has developed 18 standards, resolutions, and recommendations concerning the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Bumble Bees of the Eastern United States
2011 - Selection(s) Designed for use as a field guide, this volume fills the needs of melittologists (those who study bees) of all ages for a quick and... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Navy Medicine at War: The Complete Series
2011 - Selection(s) This six-DVD set documents the history of navy medical activities during World War II from Pearl Harbor to the bombing of Japan. It contains plenty... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Ohio Statehouse: A Building for the Ages
2011 - Selection(s) In the year of its sesquicentennial, the Ohio Statehouse, Senate Building, Atrium, and grounds and many of the political leaders who have made a lasting... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Europe
2011 - Selection(s) This “largest study ever made on homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the 47 member states of the... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Keeping America Informed
2011 - Selection(s) Liberally illustrated with historical photographs and facsimiles of famous government documents, this volume will appeal to a wider audience than depository librarians. Historians and history... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012
2011 - Selection(s) In addition to being the quintessential statistical resource of all time, Statistical Abstract is a Notable Document for 2011 simply because this edition will be the last... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Stream Fishes of Ohio—Field Guide
2011 - Selection(s) Fish are far harder to observe than most other wildlife. But for the adventuresome naturalist who doesn’t mind getting a little wet, this resource provides... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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European Drug Prevention Quality Standards
2011 - Selection(s) This manual—the work of dozens of experts in the field—provides the first European framework on effective drug abuse prevention. It outlines planning, implementation, and evaluation... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Legacy of Excellence
2011 - Selection(s) In 1862, shortly after the Battle of Antietam, army surgeon general Brigadier Gen. William Hammond ordered the establishment of the Army Medical Museum. Surgeons working... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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The Center of the World, the Edge of the World
2011 - Selection(s) This NPS tract portrays the human history of north-central California’s Lava Beds National Monument region from its beginning as the ancestral homeland of the Modoc... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Fast Forward: Regional Transit System Plan
2011 - Selection(s) Facing new and evolving challenges, agencies and institutions in Tulsa have taken the opportunity to engage the public, study alternative transportation solutions, and create community... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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FAO in the 21st Century
2011 - Selection(s) More than one billion people worldwide suffer from malnutrition, and the challenge of providing access to food is becoming more daunting as the global population... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Macondo: The Gulf Oil Disaster: Chief Counsel’s Report
2011 - Selection(s) The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was created by President Obama and charged with investigating the root causes of the largest... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
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Beneath the Surface
2011 - Selection(s) In a single volume, the National Park Service has summarized 30 years of archaeological fieldwork in Skagway, AK, and in the surrounding villages and ghost... |
2011 - Selection(s) |
Title | Year | |
Gender and Governance in Rural Services: Insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia
2010 - Selection(s) An examination of the lack of economic and agricultural services, such as education, health care, and agricultural extension, for poor, rural women in developing... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: Final Report of the National Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in the United States
2010 - Selection(s) The panel that authored this report investigated 22 topics related to the financial collapse that caused 26 million workers to become unemployed or underemployed, led... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The State of the Hudson 2009
2010 - Selection(s) This beautifully illustrated report concisely describes progress and ongoing problems in the struggle to clean up the Hudson River. It discusses water quality and... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Gender, Women, and the Tobacco Epidemic
2010 - Selection(s) As tobacco use among women in wealthy countries declines, it is skyrocketing among women in the developing world. This title assesses the problem, identifies... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Grow It, Try It, Like It: Preschool Fun with Fruits and Vegetables
2010 - Selection(s) Written for parents and teachers of preschoolers, this fun and colorful kit provides a ton of food and nutrition advice intertwined with hands-on activities for... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Bridges Across North Dakota
2010 - Selection(s) Primarily an educational tool examining the history, technology, and engineering of bridges in North Dakota, Dutton’s beautiful photographs make it a showpiece as well. |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
High Mountain Glaciers and Climate Change: Challenges to Human Livelihoods and Adaptation
2010 - Selection(s) Glaciers worldwide have been melting rapidly since the mid-1980s. This book examines the impact of global warming on glaciers, snow, and ice and the... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes Held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Together with Memorial Services in Honor of Edward M. Kennedy, Late a Senator from Massachusetts
2010 - Selection(s) This homage to the late senator consists of the speeches of hundreds of his colleagues and representatives delivered in the House and Senate. He had... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Palaces on the Prairie
2010 - Selection(s) Evans takes the reader through Midwestern communities as they struggled to survive the crises of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He focuses on... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Afghanistan, Alone & Unafraid
2010 - Selection(s) Benhoff’s Among the People: U.S. Marines in Iraq was recognized as a notable document of 1998. This volume is equally moving as he captures, in... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Latin America and the Caribbean: Atlas of Our Changing Environment
2010 - Selection(s) This web resource uses roughly 200 satellite images, hundreds of graphs and photos, numerous thematic maps, and statistics to assess environmental change in... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
A Photographer's Path: Images of National Parks Near the Nation's Capital
2010 - Selection(s) Paradis took the photographs in this collection at the national parks and historic sites in the Potomac River watershed. It includes images of battlefields and... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Solar Makes Cents: A Residential Consumer's Guide to Harnessing the Sun's Energy
2010 - Selection(s) This guide for residents of Ohio considering the use of solar power offers information on the benefits, financial incentives, and costs of solar energy... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The Battle Behind Bars: Navy and Marine POWs in the Vietnam War
2010 - Selection(s) Former chief historian of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Rochester and Frederick Kiley coauthored in 1998 the 706-page Honor Bound: American Prisoners of... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
OECD iLibrary
2010 - Selection(s) This subscription service—more streamlined and robust than its predecessor, SourceOECD—provides full-text access to all books (with chapter-level access), working papers, periodicals, and statistical data... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2004-2008: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography
2010 - Selection(s) This collection of articles reprinted from newspapers, magazines, and professional journals provides a historical account of the Marines in Iraq. The appendixes include a chronology... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
2010 - Selection(s) To commemorate the Centennial of Statehood in 2007, the Oklahoma Historical Society developed this source to inform and educate citizens, students, historians, etc., about... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees
2010 - Selection(s) Did you know that the honeybee is not native to the United States? This slim volume contains all kinds of interesting information about bee domestication... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The Rice Crisis: Markets, Policies and Food Security
2010 - Selection(s) Poor people who rely on rice as a staple suffered when rice prices on the world market spiked in 2008. In an effort to understand... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Field Guide to Common Marine Fishes and Invertebrates of Alaska
2010 - Selection(s) With color photographs and descriptions of more than 400 marine species, this waterproof guide makes it easy to identify common fish and invertebrates living primarily... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Africa Water Atlas
2010 - Selection(s) This atlas is “a visual account of Africa’s endowment and use of water resources” containing 328 maps and satellite images, as well as hundreds... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Climate Change Indicators in the United States
2010 - Selection(s) In this report, the EPA presents data demonstrating that human activities contribute to climate change. The agency selected 24 indicators, such as greenhouse gas emissions... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
World Atlas of Mangroves
2010 - Selection(s) This atlas, the product of an initiative led by the International Tropical Timber Organization, provides the first global assessment of the world’s mangroves, with 60... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Field Guide to Seaweeds of Alaska
2010 - Selection(s) This is the first and only field guide to more than 100 common seaweeds, seagrasses, and marine lichens of Alaska. Filled with color photos and... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Ahmadinejad's Iran: A Threat to Peace, Human Rights and International Law; Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development
2010 - Selection(s) This report is based mainly on expert testimony from hearings of the Canadian Parliament’s Subcommittee on International Human Rights in 2009. It is a... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The Crime of Family Abduction: A Child's and Parent's Perspective
2010 - Selection(s) Family abduction is the most prevalent form of kidnapping in this country. Because the abductors are family members, people often underestimate the gravity of this... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
The World's Women 2010: Trends and Statistics
2010 - Selection(s) The authors here analyze statistics on the status of women, particularly on gender-related disparities. They cover population and families, health, education, work, power and... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Cal-Atlas Geospatial Clearinghouse
2010 - Selection(s) The Cal-Atlas site facilitates the coordinated and sustainable development, maintenance, licensing, and sharing of geospatial data by California government agencies, partners, and stakeholders. California... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
2010 - Selection(s) This web resource provides access to datasets containing country-level and regional statistics available until 2010 only via subscription. While much of the content is... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling; Report to the President
2010 - Selection(s) This report examines the events leading to the April 2010 explosion aboard the oil rig Deepwater Horizon that killed 11 men and produced the largest... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
California's Drought of 2007-2009: An Overview
2010 - Selection(s) Documenting the effects of three consecutive years of drought, this report demonstrates the need for continued drought preparedness, ongoing hydroclimate monitoring, and the development... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Engineering: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for Development
2010 - Selection(s) Recognizing the need for more trained engineers worldwide, UNESCO commissioned this study for the purpose of increasing support for engineering education. The authors discuss... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Role in the Secondary Mortgage Market
2010 - Selection(s) As it traces the evolution and collapse of government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Congressional Budget Office analyzes the arguments justifying federal involvement... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Welcome to the California Geological Survey
2010 - Selection(s) The California Geological Survey (CGS) is dedicated to providing scientific products and services related to the state’s geology, seismology, and mineral resources that affect... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
From Crisis to Recovery: The Causes, Course, and Consequences of the Great Recession
2010 - Selection(s) Keeley and Love have written a concise, readable, and, ultimately, hopeful introduction to the Great Recession, addressing the origins of the crisis, government responses, and... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
A Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests
2010 - Selection(s) The color photographs in this compact field guide are so attractive that it’s difficult to believe the 50 trees, shrubs, grasses, and vines the authors... |
2010 - Selection(s) | |
Go to 2040: Comprehensive Regional Plan
2010 - Selection(s) Go to 2040 is a plan addressing a wide range of problems in Chicago, the country’s third largest metropolitan area. The authors analyze current... |
2010 - Selection(s) |
Title | Year | |
Another Hot Oklahoma Night: A Rock & Roll Story
2009 - Selection(s) available at ISBN 978-0-941498-76-0 This attention-grabbing collection of pictures and accompanying text tells the story of Oklahoma's contributions to the development of rock'n'roll. The artists... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Civics Flash Cards for the Naturalization Test
2009 - Selection(s) This flashcard set covering the civics portion of the U.S. citizenship test contains 100 questions and suggested answers. |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Post-Conflict Economic Recovery: Enabling Local Ingenuity
2009 - Selection(s) available at Drawing upon its extensive work in postconflict countries, the UNDP explores paths toward recovery from the economic effects of war. It assays... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
The Woody Plant Seed Manual
2009 - Selection(s) available at A comprehensive handbook on the handling, conditioning, storage, testing, and |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
The Legacy of Lead: The Report on Childhood Lead Poisoning in Wisconsin, 2008
2009 - Selection(s) available at The Legacy of Lead reveals the alarming scope of childhood lead poisoning in Wisconsin, discusses its causes and effects, and provides a... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Sciences
2009 - Selection(s) Can be found at This resource provides authoritative information on long-term climatic cycles, their effects on human societies, and strategies for mitigating global wanning... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
2009 - Selection(s) available at In April 2009, the Human Rights Council formed a mission to investigate allegations of human rights violations in the Gaza Strip during... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Clean Boating for Alaskans
2009 - Selection(s) available at An examination of the ways in which motorized boats are damaging marine environments and advice on how to minimize their impact. A... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Wisconsin Local Food Marketing Guide: A Producer's Guide to Marketing Locally Grown Food
2009 - Selection(s) available at This beautifully illustrated book provides guidance to food producers seeking local markets. It discusses direct marketing, selling to restaurants and other intermediaries... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Fruitful Legacy: A Historic Context of Orchards in the United States, with Technical Information for Registering Orchards in the National Register of Historic Places
2009 - Selection(s) Dolan, historical landscape architect with the National Park Service, discusses the introduction, evolution, and commercialization of the most common types of orchards and fruit trees... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Tracking Progress on Child and Maternal Nutrition: A Survival and Development Priority
2009 - Selection(s) available at The book opens with a detailed examination of the extent and causes of child and infant malnutrition and the interventions that diminish... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Field Guide to Squids and Octopods of the Eastern North Pacific and Bering Sea
2009 - Selection(s) The study of Alaskan squid and octopi has been impeded by rough seas, making them little known till now. This comprehensive guide, the first book... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Climate in Peril: A Popular Guide to the Latest IPCC Reports
2009 - Selection(s) available at The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international authority on global warming and other climatic shifts. This title contains... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Investigation of failure of the SEC To Uncover Bernard Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
2009 - Selection(s) This can be found at In December 2008, the Securities & Exchange Commission charged Bernard Madoff with fraud for perpetrating a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Your Guide to the Lisbon Treaty
2009 - Selection(s) available at The Treaty of Lisbon entered into force in December 2009. This booklet explains |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
North Aleutian Basin Energy-Fisheries: Workshop Proceedings, March 18-19. 2008, Anchorage, Alaska
2009 - Selection(s) available at http://seagrant.uaf.eclu/lib/aksg/0903/nabefenergy.pdf This summary of a March 2008 forum on offshore oil and gas development near |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Contracting Out Government Functions and Services: Emerging Lessons from Post- Conflict and Fragile Situations
2009 - Selection(s) When should external contractors be used to carry out functions ordinarily performed by tbe state? The six essays in this volume consider this question as... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
2009 - Selection(s) available at |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Historical Report of the Secretary of State, 2008
2009 - Selection(s) available at report.pdf or to obtain a copy, send library name, address, and phone no. to uapress@uark.8du. Include "historical |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Development and Climate Change: World Development Report 2010.
2009 - Selection(s) available at The world's least developed countries (LDCs) must expand their transport, industrial, and agricultural sectors, but the resulting increase in carbon emissions will... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Restorative Commons: Creating Health and Well-Being Through Urban Landscapes
2009 - Selection(s) available at This collection of case studies, thought pieces, theoretical essays, and interviews on enhancing health, well-being, and community empowerment through urban green spaces... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Dutch Renaissance: The Story of the New Netherland Project
2009 - Selection(s) available at Culture in America's British colonies was shaped by the earlier New Netherland |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
The Financial and Economic Crisis: A Decent Work Response
2009 - Selection(s) available at The authors analyze the present "global jobs catastrophe" and, having reviewed the responses of more than 40 governments to the crisis, call... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
The Road to Yucca Mountain: The Development of Radioactive Waste Policy in the United States
2009 - Selection(s) Walker, historian at the NRC, provides a history of the government's efforts to store radioactive waste safely. He documents the Atomic Energy Commission's actions from... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Habitats of North Dakota
2009 - Selection(s) To promote teaching and learning about wildlife conservation and resource |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Innovation and Growth: Chasing a Moving Frontier
2009 - Selection(s) Innovation is the foundation of economic growth, and in the brutally competitive global economy it is essential to survival. This volume contains ten essays in... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Shtutda'ina Da'a Shel Qudel = My Forefathers Are Still Walking with Me: Verbal Essays on Qizhjeh and Tsaynen Dena'ina Traditions
2009 - Selection(s) This text and CD include recordings of 22 stories in the Dena'ina language of Alaska, transcriptions, and English translations. The content is presented in a... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Twilight of the Upper Missouri River Fur Trade: The Journals of Henry A. Boller
2009 - Selection(s) Henry Boller lived as a fur trader on the Upper Missouri River from 1858 to 1862. |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Addressing the Mental Health Problems of Border and immigrant Youth: A Culture and Trauma Special Report from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
2009 - Selection(s) This two-part booklet identifies problems affecting the mental health of Latino youth and their families along the U.S.-Mexico border, then offers advice for mental health... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Kenya: Atlas of Our Changing Environment
2009 - Selection(s) available at This stunning, oversized atlas depicts the decline in Kenya's forests, lakes, |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
The Sun, the Earth, and Near-Earth Space: A Guide to the Sun-Earth System
2009 - Selection(s) Solar astronomer Eddy assembles "concise explanations and descriptions...of the chain of events and processes that connect the Sun to the Earth." Eloquent prose, dramatic photographs... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Explore the Lake Erie Islands: A Guide to Nature and History Along the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail
2009 - Selection(s) available at A detailed description of each island and its parks, preserves, historic sites, and trails, as well as maps and lists of frequently... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
American Place: The Historic American Buildings Survey at Seventy-Five Years
2009 - Selection(s) The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) has documented America's architectural heritage since 1933. This |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South
2009 - Selection(s) This collection of essays examines the relationship between migration from the |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1851-2006 (with 2007 and 2008 Track Maps Included).
2009 - Selection(s) available at |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Great Depression Story Project
2009 - Selection(s) available at In early 2009, the Ohio Department of Aging solicited stories about the Great Depression from Ohioans who lived through that era. This... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
The Approaching Storm: Conflict in Asia, 1945-1965
2009 - Selection(s) This concise publication, richly illustrated with photographs and written for a general audience, examines the roots of the Vietnam War and describes the U.S. Navy's... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Planning Sustainable Cities. Global Report on Human Settlements 2009
2009 - Selection(s) available at This edition of the Global Report examines issues confronting urban planners worldwide and assesses the capacity of planning to meet the challenges... |
2009 - Selection(s) | |
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Centennial: A Pictorial History, 1909- 2009
2009 - Selection(s) The Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, and its predecessor,Walter Reed General Hospital, have treated millions of active and retired personnel from every branch... |
2009 - Selection(s) |
Kinds of Documents to be Considered (Characteristics of the list) (Note: Although the term "document" is used throughout the policies and procedures in this section, it does not refer solely to printed materials. See point d below.)
Nominations will be judged on a point basis according to the following nine (9) criteria.
The final list is published in Library Journal in the May 15 issue.