Vice-President/President Elect

From the ALSC Handbook of Organization: Roles and Responsibilities of Elected Officials

The Vice-President is a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors and serves as the President in the President’s absence.

Committee Appointment Responsibilities
At Midwinter, begins deciding upon suggested names for the Nominating Committee (having previously checked their eligibility and received their agreement to serve) in November, so they can begin their work at Midwinter.

Beginning in March, makes appointment of chairs, committee members and representatives to serve during his/her term as President. Appointment should be completed before Annual Conference, preferable by late May. It is particularly important that the incoming chairpersons be appointed early enough to plan on attending Annual Conference; all new appointees are urged to attend Annual Conference.

ALA Committee Responsibilities
The Vice-President serves automatically on the ALA Committee on Appointments.

ALSC Committee Responsibilities
The Vice-President serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Budget Committee.

ALSC Communication Responsibilities
ALSC Matters! newsletter – Prepares articles for the following issues: December and June. The editor will send samples of past articles.

ALSC Community Forums – S/He will join and participate in quarterly online Community Forums to take place following the Annual Conference, Fall Executive Committee meeting, Midwinter, Spring Executive Committee call.

By October, joins regularly scheduled calls (usually weekly) with the President and Executive Director.

Send welcome note/email to ALSC’s Emerging Leader when announced in October.

By end of May provides ALSC Office with President’s message, bio, and photograph to be used on the ALSC website.

Program Development Responsibilities
Plans for the Annual Conference President’s Program held during the year of presidency are developed during the year of vice-presidency in consultation with committee chairperson(s) and the ALSC Executive Director. Vice-President provides a detailed description to the Board of Directors during the Midwinter Meeting.

Vice-President/President Elect's Calendar

Annual Conference - after the election, prior to taking office

  • Attends conference and does as many of the following as possible (immediately after the election):
  • Attends ALSC Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings to get up to speed on association issues
  • ALSC committee meetings, especially Leadership & ALSC
  • ALSC programs
  • ALSC membership meeting.
  • Talks to members, gathers ideas and suggestions for spring committee appointments and conference programs. It would be especially good to talk to possible candidates for the Nominating Committee and Local Arrangements


  • Appoint Nominating Committee Chair and members.

September - December

  • Makes recommendations to ALA President-Elect regarding possible appointments to ALA committees.


  • Attends a division Vice-Presidents’ Leadership workshop in Chicago. Exchanges program ideas with other Vice-Presidents.
  • Attends a weekend ALSC Fall Planning Meeting of ALSC Executive Committee in conjunction with other Divisions’ leaders’ meeting. During this time, the following items are discussed: current division programs and emerging needs; new program ideas; budgetary needs for next fiscal year; and items on the agenda as determined by the President.
  • Begins to join weekly phone calls with President and Executive Director.
  • Informs Board of Nominating Committee appointments via fall report.
  • October/November
  • Finalizes recommendations to ALA President-Elect re: ALA appointment.
  • Attends American Society of Association Executives Chief Elected Officer/Chief Executive Officer Symposium (usually in Washington, DC).


  • Submits Vice-President’s statement to Editor of the newsletter.


  • Submits Vice-President’s report for the Midwinter consent agenda, which includes President’s Program details and preconference, if applicable.

Midwinter Meeting

  • Attends Executive Committee and Budget Committee meetings.
  • Attends key ALSC committee meetings such as Leadership & ALSC
  • Attends Past Presidents’ Breakfast and takes notes.
  • Attends ALA Planning and Budget Assembly, Division Officers meeting with BARC and Division Presidents’ Breakfast.
  • Reports to the Board on Conference program plans.


  • By March 1, sends list of spring appointments to ALSC committees for vetting. Selections are based upon committee chairpersons’ recommendations, volunteer forms, own knowledge of abilities and possible discussion with ALSC Staff. Once vetting is completed, issues invitations through appointments database.
  • Identifies topic and speaker for Leadership & ALSC Program for Annual Conference.
  • Sends at least two photographs to ALSC Executive Director for publicity purposes.
  • Submits short message to Editor of Newsletter.


  • Participates in Spring Executive Committee Conference Call.
  • Finalizes plans Leadership & ALSC Program for Annual Conference.
  • Attends Arbuthnot Honor Lecture, if possible.
  • Submits information for President’s Page on the website
  • Submits Vice-President’s report for Annual Conference consent agenda, which includes President’s Program details and preconference, if applicable.
  • Submits article to Editor of the newsletter.

June - at Annual Conference

  • Attends meetings of the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly and BARC/Division Leadership Meeting.
  • Attends key ALSC committee meetings. Presides Leadership & ALSC meeting.
  • Acts as host/hostess at Newbery/Caldecott Banquet and assists with receiving line.
  • Acts as host/hostess at Membership Meeting.
  • Participates in the ALA Inaugural event activities (currently Closing Session and brunch).
  • Accepts gavel at final Board meeting. Seats and welcomes new Board members.
  • Conducts “New Business” portion of meeting.


  • Hosts first online Community Forum as newly seated President.

Throughout the Year

  • Reads ALSC Handbook of Organization and Board Orientation Manual; refers to ALA policy manual as needed.
  • Chairs meetings and represents the division when asked by the ALSC President.
  • Clears invitations with President and Executive Director to avoid conflicts in schedule.