Unique Aspects for Campaign and Recruitment

Unique aspects of the profession to use throughout the “campaign” and in recruitment to the profession.

Unique aspects of the profession to use throughout the “campaign” and in recruitment to the profession.

Midwinter discussions provided a great deal of information that can be used in a variety of ways. Just as the elevator speech content can be used to design and deliver convincing information, some of the content can be used for branding, advertising, outreach, articulating membership value, etc. Excerpted information from the Midwinter general content includes:

  • “ALSC librarians are the first to introduce children to reading. Early introduction to reading and literature has a direct link to academic success in the first x years of life.”

  • “The audience for and focus of ALSC materials and resources is not only children, but lifelong and multigenerational in nature.”

  • “ALSC librarians study not only literature for children and youth, but are committed to the study and teaching of the joy of reading.”

  • Story times offer our new English speaking families exposure to the English language before their children reach kindergarten. These families have told us that this exposure has provided valuable experience and otherwise they feel their child could fall behind.

  • After many years in the library we have experienced that story time is the engine that drives the library. Children grow up to be adult patrons and voters.

  • “The Library provides equal access for enrichment (even in the poorest neighborhoods).”

  • “The Library offers a breadth and depth of resources and independent choice for readers.”

  • “Librarians offer expert guidance and their resources are – in essence - free resources. You’ve already paid for your services and resources with your taxes - use them!”

  • Public libraries are often the only free accessible resource in communities available for children ages 0-5.

  • Public libraries are an educational equalizer. In this era of education delivered over the Internet, public libraries provide expertise, services and resources educational programs and lifelong learning.

  • ALSC provides opportunity for new ideas.

  • The Division provides a community of “like” minds. Many members are working alone in their libraries and in their communities, and the association provides expertise and support from all over the country.

  • ALSC programs provide cutting edge content and are often the first place members hear about data and new resources and services. ALSC members have shared:

  • “A 2002 program on early literacy gave me the words to articulate the power of early literacy research. Since 2002, I’ve been able to make a difference in children’s lives.”

  • “ALSC provided me the 50 best hours of continuing education/benchmarks I could take home to be a better librarian and immediately assist me in serving my community in new ways.”

  • Children’s literature is the cornerstone of a wide variety of professions and the best way to learn about children’s books is to go to the public library. ALSC work provides these professions extensive research into the literature and the application of literature in work with children and youth.

Excerpted information/content shared at Midwinter includes these EXAMPLES of content ….

  • “80% of my reference questions are homework help and the area schools post all homework to school websites and online learning environments.”

  • “Data from the Library’s annual report identified 15,000 community members and 10,000 families were served by the library with 65% indicating on our survey that they don’t have computer access.”

  • Our library had a 15% increase in Internet access use in fiscal year over the last fiscal year. Only 6 patrons can use at a time.

  • Our community’s unemployment rate is 9% - almost double digits! The library assisted over 2,000 people last year in job related information seeking reference activities. We have estimated we need 4 extra laptops to loan out for job searching.

  • Patrons receive $4.05 in services and programs at the public library for every $1.00 in state funding.