Welcoming Spaces - Works Cited 2

Works Cited

1. Grossman, S., Agosto, D. E., Winston, M., Epstein, R. N. E., Cannuscio, C. C., Martinez-Donate, A., & Klassen, A. C. (2022). How public libraries help immigrants adjust to life in a new country: a review of the literature. Health Promotion Practice, 23(5), 804-816.

2. Flinner, K., Norlander, R. J., Nock, K., Brucker, J. L., & Welch, L. (2019). Library Programs & New Americans: A White Paper. New Knowledge Publication# NPO. 074.518. 03.

3. Vårheim, A. (2014a). Trust and the role of the public library in the integration of refugees: The case of a Northern Norwegian city. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 46(1), 62-69.

4. Vårheim, A. (2014b). Trust in libraries and trust in most people: Social capital creation in the public library. The Library Quarterly, 84(3), 258-277.

5. Delgado, L. H. (2023). Creating welcoming spaces: How immigrant-led cultural programs shape public libraries and the communities they serve. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-17.

6. Huslage, M., Rai, A., & Held, M. L. (2022). Building partnerships and trust: Research with vulnerable immigrant communities. Families in Society, 103(2), 235-246.

7. USCIS. (2007). Library Services for Immigrants: Report on Current Practices. US Government Printing Office.

8. Khoir, S., Du, J. T., Davison, R. M., & Koronios, A. (2017). Contributing to social capital: An investigation of Asian immigrants' use of public library services. Library & Information Science Research, 39(1), 34-45.

9. Shuva, N. Z. (2022). “Everybody Thinks Public Libraries Have Only Books”: Public Library Usage and Settlement of Bangladeshi Immigrants in Canada. Public Library Quarterly, 1-26.

10. Murphy, P.J. (2023). Literacy Focus: Welcoming Places, Safe Spaces. Publishers Weekly.

11. Little, S., & Murray, R. (2022). The multilingual children’s library as physical and metaphorical ‘space’ within the community: Practical and emotional considerations. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, doi: 09610006221133837.

12. Thomas, R. L., Chiarelli-Helminiak, C. M., Ferraj, B., & Barrette, K. (2016). Building relationships and facilitating immigrant community integration: An evaluation of a Cultural Navigator Program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 55, 77-84.

13. Serra, S., & Revez, J. (2023). Social inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers: The role of public libraries in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, doi: 09610006221146549.

14. Cooke, N. A. (2016). Information services to diverse populations: Developing Culturally Competent Liibrary Professionals. ABC-CLIO.