Referee Process

Manuscripts submitted for consideration for publication in Children and Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children must be entered into the review process, with the following exceptions: speeches or articles derived directly from programs and other events sponsored by ALSC may be accepted for publication at the editor’s discretion (the Journal’s "Policies and Procedures" document gives right of first refusal to publication of such material); column materials; interviews and articles written by or solicited by the editor. At the discretion of the editor, solicited articles may be submitted for review.

The review process is a "double-blind" process in which the author does not know who is reviewing the manuscript, and the referees do not know who has written the manuscript.

The manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers/referees.

The reviewers are allowed four weeks to consider the manuscript and return it to the editor, and the total time between receipt of the manuscript and notification to author of the decision about the manuscript is approximately eight weeks.

Decisions about manuscripts are based on the responses from referees on a form containing thirteen points for consideration and a sheet for narrative comment. In the case that referee responses disagree, the editor must reach a decision by weighing the differences of the reviewers’ responses, by further discussion with the referees, or by sending the manuscript out again for consideration by an additional reviewer(s).

Manuscripts may be accepted, accepted contingent upon revision by the author, or rejected. The editor sends a letter explaining the decision on each manuscript, including supporting information from the reviewers in the cases of rejection or request for revision.

The editor must design and employ a record-keeping system for managing manuscripts submitted to the referee process. The manuscript log should include: date on which a manuscript is initially received from an author(s); date on which acknowledgment of receipt is sent to author(s); date that the manuscript is sent out to referees; date(s) on which manuscript is received back from referees; and the final disposition of the manuscript (accepted, rejected; etc.)

Are you an ALSC member who is interested in being a manuscript referee? Read our Call for Referees

For current CAL referees: CAL Manuscript Referee Response Form

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