Priority Group Consultants

Priority Group Consultants


Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 5(b)


One consultant for each group established according to the designated priorities of the Board.


To review annually with committee chairpersons and discussion group leaders the function of each of the committees and discussion groups and to make any recommendations necessary to meet the responsibilities of the group;

To advise committee chairpersons on recommended procedures for committee operations based on a thorough knowledge of Divisional structure;

To assist in the preparation of action and information reports for Board consideration;

To facilitate communication among priority group committees and to identify common areas of concern;

To note particular abilities of ALSC committee members in the work of the organization and to share this information with the Officers, Nominating Committee, and other appropriate individuals;

To discuss with other priority group consultants and appropriate committees, directives of the Board, long term goals of the Division, and new program areas that need attention;

To summarize, analyze and evaluate periodically for the ALSC Board the progress and concerns of the committees;

To act as an information resource for the ALSC Board and attend Board meetings when necessary.

To identify potential candidates to the Nominating Committee and to identify potential chairs for the president-elect.

BOARD ACTION, Midwinter 1981: “A member of the Executive Committee (shall) convene and chair a meeting of the Priority Group Consultants at each Midwinter and Annual Conference.”

Established as Coordinators, Midwinter 1974. Function Statement approved, Midwinter 1976. Renamed Consultants, Annual Conference 1980. Revised Function Statement approved, Midwinter 1981.