Professional Development - Día

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Día Programs and Presentations

Librarians, authors and literacy advocates have conducted great Día programs and presentations at conference throughout the country over the years. Below is a sample of these programs.

Many Children, Many Cultures, Many Books: Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of Día – June 25, 2011, ALA Annual Conference; New Orleans, LA

Día founder, Pat Mora, author Jeanette Larson, children's literature consultant Oralia Garza de Cortés, ALSC Past-President Cynthia Richey and REFORMA President Lucia Gonzalez were among the speakers at the Día program and celebration. Pictured are tabletop exhibits featuring Día programming ideas from libraries winning the ALSC/Dollar General Literacy Foundation mini-grants, and Mora Award, among others; music for the celebration; and an appreciative audience.

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Día is Diversity in Action – June 28, 2010, ALA Annual Conference; Washington, DC

PLEASE NOTE: The original speakers were unable to present their program: Irania Patterson and Meryl Leonard from Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. Presenting their material was Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo, Assistant & Pauline Foster-EBSCO Endowed Professor, University of Alabama – SLIS, Tuscaloosa, AL; and Oralia Garza de Cortés, Latino Children’s Literature Consultant, Austin, TX.

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Developing Cultural Competence by Using El día de los niños/El día de los libros to Celebrate Literacy Throughout the Year! – September 20, 2008, REFORMA National Conference; El Paso, TX

Speakers include Elva Garza, Managing Librarian, St. John’s Branch, Austin Public Library, Austin, Texas; Donie Gignac, Senior Librarian/Children’s Services, Valencia Branch, Pima County Public Library, Tucson, Arizona; and Patricia Montiel Overall, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona/School of Information Resources & Library Science, Tucson, Arizona.

Download Presentation 1 [10MB] | Download Presentation 2 [12MB]

Engaging Your Community in Día Partnerships – June 2007, ALA Annual Conference; Washington, DC

Program given by Ellen Fader and Oralia Garza de Cortés' presentation.

Download Cortés Presentation [1MB] | Download Fader Presentation [117KB]

Collaborating for Literacy through Culture and Community: Día and NCTE – November 17, 2006, National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention; Nashville, TN

Program was developed and presented by then-ALSC Executive Director, Diane Foote.

Download Presentation [1.5MB]

Día Products

Building a Culture of Literacy book cover imageLook for this Día publication in the ALA Store.

El día de los niños/El día de los libros: Building a Culture of Literacy in Your Community through Día by Jeanette Larson explores the celebration of children, families, and reading held annually since 1996, Children’s Day/Book Day, known as Día. This book presents a wealth of ready-to-use programs, easily adaptable for a variety of cultures; cultural competency training tips to encourage outreach to minority populations; and interviews with library directors about the best ways to heighten awareness of cultural and literacy issues.