The Importance of Diversity in Library Programs and Material Collections for Children - References and Resources

Paper References

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Baker, Augusta. 1955. “The Children’s Librarian in a Changing Neighborhood.” Top of the News 10 (Mar.): 40-41.

Bishop, Rudine Sims. 1997. “Selecting Literature for a Multicultural Curriculum.” In Using Multiethnic Literature in the K–8 Classroom, edited by Violet Harris, 1–20. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers.

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Gonzalez, Maya Christina. 2011. “I Am All That I See: The Power of Reflection.” In Celebrating Cuentos: Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries, edited by Jamie Campbell Naidoo, 319–26. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.

Henderson, Virginia M. 1991. “The Development of Self-Esteem in Children of Color.” In The Multicolored Mirror: Cultural Substance in Literature for Children and Young Adults, edited by Merri V. Lindgren, 15–30. Fort Atkinson, WI: Highsmith Press.

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Nieto, Sonia. 1999. The Light in Their Eyes: Creating Multicultural Learning Communities. New York: Teachers College Press.

Roethler, Jacque. 1998. “Reading in Color: Children’s Book Illustrations and Identity Formation for Black Children in the United States.” African American Review 32 (1): 95–105.

Rollins, Charlemae Hill, ed. 1941. We Build Together: A Reader’s Guide to Negro Life and Literature for Elementary and High School Use. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

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White, Pura Belpré. 1964. “A Bilingual Story Hour Program.” Library Journal 89 (Sept. 15): 79–81.

Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Diversity Resources

Online Collection Development Resources

Awards for Culturally Diverse Children’s Literature

Multicultural Children’s Program Resources

Professional Library Associations Dedicated to Culturally Diverse Groups