Guidelines and process for suggesting ALSC publications
Children and Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children has first refusal rights on division generated articles, lists, etc. Approval by the Board for article/list development does not obligate the editor of the Journal to publish it. Committees interested in publishing in the Journal should apprise the editor as early as possible of their plans to submit a manuscript. Booklist is a publication outlet for certain kinds of lists; Book Links publishes lists and articles. Committees interested in submitting manuscripts to either of these journals should apprise the appropriate editor and the ALSC Executive Director as early as possible of their plans.
All division-generated manuscripts prepared for a non-ALSC or non-ALA journal are to be submitted to the ALSC Office for review and transmittal to the potential publisher.
ALA Editions has first refusal rights on division-generated pamphlets and books. When the Board approves a proposal, the ALSC Program Officer for Communications notifies the Publishing Department to determine their interest, negotiate royalties, etc. If ALA Editions is not interested, the Communications Officer in consultation with the committee Chair, will explore, and when necessary negotiate, other options, including direct division publication, other publishing houses, etc. All manuscripts prepared for publication are submitted to the ALSC Office for review and transmittal to the potential publisher. The Communications Officer, in consultation with the committee's editor, maintains contact with the publisher throughout the editorial and production process.