Guidelines for ALSC Committees Proposing Content Additions to the ALSC Website
These guidelines provide committee chairs and members with an overview on the process of posting content to the ALSC website.Committee-created content is reviewed and considered for inclusion by the ALSC Website Advisory Committee (WAC). WAC and the ALSC staff have the authority to request changes, edit copy, or determine that content is not appropriate for the ALSC website.
General Procedure
- If an ALSC committee would like to develop content for the ALSC website, it completes a New Content Proposal Form (Appendix B of the Website Advisory Committee Manual) and submits it to the Website Advisory Committee chairs.
- WAC reviews the content proposal and makes a decision regarding inclusion, reporting results back to the proposing committee. If content is approved by WAC for the website, WAC co-chairs will work with the committee to address any questions and the format for final content and to set a project timeline.
- Once the final content has been approved by WAC, with input from ALSC staff as needed, the Program Officer for Communications will add the content to the ALSC website.
The timeline for providing and uploading content will be discussed and agreed upon by WAC and the proposing committee with input from the ALSC staff.
Types of Content Committees May Consider Adding
- Toolkits, resources, etc.
- A page showcasing a special project of a committee.
For more information on posting content to the ALSC website, please contact the ALSC Program Officer for Communication.