Fiscal Officer

From the ALSC Handbook of Organization: Roles and Responsibilities of Elected Officials

The Fiscal Officer is elected for a three-year term and serves as a member of the ALSC Executive Committee and Board of Directors

Division Responsibilities

  • To fulfill the duties and responsibilities of an ALSC Board member, and an ALSC Executive Committee member.
  • To attend the Executive Committee fall division leadership meeting as well as participate on the spring Executive Committee conference call.
  • To assist the Executive Director in developing budgets that incorporate board actions and support the strategic plan.
  • To work with the ALSC Board to consider monetary and budget considerations for all programs and activities of the division.
  • To work with the ALSC Executive Director to prepare fiscal reports for Executive Committee & Board meetings
  • To participatie in long range planning such as performance trend analysis, budgetary needs to support existing programs and services, and identifying revenue resources for potential future programs.
  • Communicate with Fiscal Officers from other Divisions, so you can understand their successes/challanges and look for areas of collaboration.
  • Communicate with ALSC’s liaison to BARC. Consider setting up a meeting with the BARC Liaison and ALSC's Budget Chairs to discuss issues concerning the division and ALA.
  • Promote the availability of Children and Library Services Endowment funds to support the development of innovative resources to committee chairs.
  • Read and understand any ALA policies that impact ALSC finances. Read in particular, the operating agreement (ALA Policy 6.4.1) between ALA at the divisions as well as other resources.
  • Assist the Board of Directors in planning, implementing and evaluating fundraising initiatives which include Friends of ALSC, endowment and long-term investments, and planned giving.
  • Assist the President in communicating fscal goals, accomplishments and concerns to ALA and the ALSC membership.

ALA Committee Responsibilities

  • ALSC Representative to the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly.
  • Attends the meetings of ALA’s Budget Analysis & Review Committee (BARC), including the Planning and Budget Assembly and the BARC/Division Leaders’ meeting.

ALSC Committee Responsibilities

  • Serves as a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  • Serves as a voting member to the Budget Committee. The fiscal officers's role is to convey Board actions and discussion for the Budget Committee to consider.