Committees-Authorization and Appointments
Standing and Special Committees are authorized by the Board of Directors and may be discontinued by the Board. (Article VIII, Section 1)
Appointments of all committee members whose terms begin at the end of Annual Conference are made by the Vice-President (President-Elect). Appointments of all committee members whose term begins at the end of Midwinter are made by the President. (Article VIII, Section 4a & b)
The members and chairperson of any new committee authorized during this presidency shall be appointed by the President. (Article VIII, Section 4e)
Any vacancy occurring of a committee shall be filled by the President. (Article VIII, Section 4f)
Standing Committees
Standing committees are authorized in Article VIII, Section 1.
The constitution of the Newbery Award, Caldecott Award, Sibert Award, Wilder Award, and Notable Children’s Books Committees is enumerated in the Bylaws. (Article VIII, Section 2)
The constitution of the Nominating Committee is enumerated in the Bylaws and the same article gives the procedure for elections. (Article X, Section 1)
Members of other Standing committees are appointed for overlapping terms not to exceed four years, with the possibility of reappointment for only one more term immediately succeeding. (Article VIII, Section 4b)
Designation of the chairperson of Standing Committees shall be made annually. (Article VIII, Section 4c)