Notable Children's Books Selection Committee
Committee members
Please visit for an up to date list of committee members.
To submit a work for consideration, please visit the Terms, Criteria, and Submission Information page.
Committee resources
- Notable Children's Book Manual [MS Word]
- Notable Children's Book Manual [PDF]
- Nomination Form [MS Word]
- ALSC Policy for Service on Media Evaluation Committees
- Frequently asked questions regarding policy for service [MS Word]
- Awards Diversity and Inclusion Discussion with Kathleen T. Horning- This discussion took place at the 2015 ALA conference in San Francisco with Kathleen Horning and the 2016 Chairs of the ALSC Awards and Notable Children's Lists Committees.
Please Note: The following links are resources for book award committee members. These recordings are part of the Bill Morris Seminar that took place at ALA Midwinter in Denver 2018.
- Book Discussion 101 (Session video is approximately 58 minutes)
- The Search for Distinguished Committee Work and Responsibility (Session video is approximately 53 minutes)
- ALSC Awards Committee Experiences (Session video is approximately 77 minutes)