Past Notable Children's Books lists


Visit the ALA Institutional Repository for earlier lists.

If you are looking for Notable Children's Book lists before 1995:

Currently, the ALSC office does not have the resources available to conduct this research and provide the lists from 1940-1994. There are four ALA published compilation books that maybe helpful:

60 Years of Notable Children's Books: list the books by decades, not individual years

Notable Children's Books 1940-1970: a reappraisal of the NCB selection from 1940-1970

Notable Children's Books 1976-1980

Notable Children's Books 1971-1975

Additionally, access to lists from 1980 to present can be found in both Booklist and in ALSC's journal of the time: "Top of the News", then "Journal of Youth Services" (Joys) and finally, "Children & Libraries." You can contact your local library or the ALA Library to see if they can help you.