ALSC Twitter Guidelines


The content delivered by ALSC (@alscblog) on Twitter reflects the standards, practices and tone set by other Twitter users interested in children’s librarianship and literature. In composing our tweets, we recognize that ALSC can be considered an authority on some issues and will be expected to contribute to the online conversation in a considered and thoughtful way.

At the same time, we make an effort to communicate in a direct and realistic voice. Our tweets make an effort to be engaging, informative and sometimes amusing.

Content includes (but is not limited to):

  • Links to news releases, blog posts, reports and other approved, publicly available ALSC material
  • Links to relevant information produced and published elsewhere (work of other divisions, libraries, researchers, news organizations and others). This can include videos, blog posts, and retweets (RTs) from other Twitter users. (See below for our policy on RTs.)
  • Interesting facts, quotes, videos or observations related to children’s librarianship
  • Topical questions related to children’s librarianship meant to provoke discussion

Retweets (RTs)

Tweets we repeat (RT) do not imply endorsement on the part of ALSC. We may retweet news, links and personal observations we believe are relevant to the work we do in children’s librarianship and literature.


The ALSC’s decision to follow a particular Twitter user does not imply endorsement of any kind. We follow accounts on Twitter we believe are relevant to the mandate of our work – specifically, as it relates to children’s librarianship and literature. This could include following the Twitter accounts of libraries, publishers, and other youth organizations (and/or their employees) who comment on children’s librarianship and literature.


Similarly, the appearance of a Twitter user as a follower of the ALSC account does not imply endorsement. ALSC will only take steps to remove or block a follower when that follower is obviously a bot or consistently tweets offensive material.


For ALA-related events and initiatives ALSC will include the designated hashtag in order to participate in the conversation and be part of the stream (i.e. #alamw12, #ala11). ALSC also encourages the creation of new hashtags as commentary on tweets.


ALSC recognizes that creating lists is a good way to organize other accounts and promote followers.


We commit to updating and monitoring our Twitter account during regular office hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., CT. Like many Twitter users, however, we may (and likely will) monitor and respond at other times of the day. We accept no responsibility for lack of service due to the appearance of the fail whale/Twitter downtime.

@Replies and Direct Messages

We will read all @replies and Direct Messages sent to us and will respond as quickly as possible.

Complaints, Award/Media Requests, and Personal Issues

ALSC does not process complaints, award/media requests, or personal issues via Twitter or Facebook. These can be handled via email ( or via telephone (1-800-545-2433 ext 2163).

Other ALSC Staff Tweeting

Some ALSC staff tweet under their own names or pseudonyms. Despite their professional affiliation with the ALSC, their tweets do not represent the official position of the ALSC, and should be considered the product of each individual as a private citizen.