ALSC Handbook of Organization

This handbook has been prepared to serve as a guide to the Board of Directors, the Priority Group Consultants, the Committees, and the staff of the Association for Library Service to Children in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.

The Handbook includes the Bylaws of the association and describes the general responsibilities, activities, and composition of priority groups and committees. The procedures described are consistent with those in effect at ALA Headquarters, and in some cases are dictated by overall ALA policies.

Table of Contents

-Revised May 2014-

Policies and Organizational Guidelines
Annual Conference Planning

Policies and Organizational Guidelines


Pertinent ALA Policies


ALSC Matters! Newsletter

The official online newsletter of the Association for Library Service to Children.

Children and Libraries: The Journal of The Association for Library Service to Children

Monograph (non-serial) Publications

Committees may determine that to achieve a specific objective, they need to develop a manuscript for an article, pamphlet, book, or list (either print or on-line versions).

Unless the committee has authorization within its function statement to produce a continuing publication (e.g., Notable Children's Books), Board approval is required, via a proposal process, before work beings on the project. Once approved, the Program Officer will advise and assist committees with the publishing process.




Guiding Documents

Roles and Responsibilities of Elected Officials

Program and Budget Development


General Information

Meetings & Resources


Annual Conference Programs

Online Education


Frequently Asked Questions about ALSC activities

Includes information about book & media awards, booklists, library & literacy campaigns, and more