ALSC Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy

In order to conduct the business of the Association for Library Service to Children (“ALSC”) in the most ethical and responsible manner and to the benefit of ALSC members, members of the Board of Directors (“Board”) must always act in the best interest of ALSC and not use their relation to and/or work with ALSC for personal advantage. Full disclosure by a Board member of any potential conflict or potential perceived conflict between the interests of ALSC and his or her personal interests and/or the interest of his or her employer and/or any other party is required in writing to the ALSC Executive Committee at its earliest recognition.Likewise, Board members are not privileged to use confidential information; ALSC materials, resources, or titles; and/or other components of participation in ALSC activities for their own personal advantage, nor may they withhold information that would be of benefit to ALSC or misrepresent any information relevant to Board work to any party.

Any Board member who has a potential or potential perceived conflict of interest with respect to any specific matter coming before the Board shall not be present for any discussion of or vote in connection with the matter. When any such interest becomes relevant to any subject requiring action by the Board, the Board member having a conflict shall call it to the attention of the Chair and shall be excused from the meeting chamber or electronic meeting space by the Chair (or Vice President when member in question is the Chair) for such time as that issue remains on the table unless specifically requested to remain by a majority vote of remaining Board members. They shall not (even if remaining present) participate in discussion or voting on the issue, and shall not be counted in consideration of a quorum for that period of the meeting. The meeting minutes shall reflect that a disclosure was made and indicate the subsequent steps taken and when the member returned.

The intent of this statement is to guide and support Board members in their actions, and is not meant to replace any existing local and federal laws governing conflicts of interest as applicable to not-for-profit organizations. Responsibility for final determination of the existence of a conflict of interest rests with the ALSC Executive Committee.

I have read and understand the above ALSC Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Statement. As a member of the ALSC Board of Directors, I agree to abide by these guidelines.

SIGNED: __________________________

Date: _____________________________

Name: ____________________________ (please print)

Board Position: _____________________

Adopted by the ALSC Board of Directors, February 2015.