Donating to Friends of ALSC

By donating to Friends of ALSC you are supporting programs and services that impact children around the country. ALA and ALSC offer donors a number of great options for how to give. For more information on supporting ALA, please see the ALA Development Office's main website.

Donate online

Donate online by credit card by visiting the ALA Development Office's secure giveALA website. Choose "Divisions" then the ALSC category(ies) you wish to give.

Donate by mail

Send a contribution by mail.

You can send a personal check with a note on the memo to let us know where you would like to designate your gift: FoA- general, FoA- early literacy, or FoA- equity initiatives.

Friends of ALSC

225 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 1300

Chicago, IL 60601

You can also request a Friends of ALSC packet to be mailed out to you by contacting the Membership/Marketing specialist at 1-800-545-2433 ext 2164.

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