Leadership Tools


For division and section committee chairs and division and section interest group chairs.

Keep in mind:

June: Annual Conference prior to beginning term of service

  • Attend the meeting of the committee on which you will be serving.
  • Encouraged to attend one of the ALCTS Board of Directors meetings to become familiar with the operations of the Board.

July: Term of service begins

  • Chairs must familiarize themselves with the ALCTS Strategic Plan initiatives that directly affect their committees. Chairs are responsible for formulating new committee goals that are consistent with the Strategic Plan.
  • Chairs should check the Organization and Bylaws Committee schedule for the review of all ALCTS groups. Chairs should be prepared to conduct an internal review as requested.  
  • Upon receipt of rosters from ALCTS, the chair greets all members and verifies the roster information. Corrections must be submitted to the ALA Office before August 1.
  • Chairs should communicate with committee members at least once a month between meetings. Each group should use its ALA Connect space and if necessary, the ALCTS Office can establish an e-mail discussion list for the group.


  • Schedule committee meeting(s) for Midwinter Meeting. Instructions come to you via the ALCTSCentral list. You can also check the ALCTS Connect space.


  • Schedule committee meeting(s) for Annual Conference. Instructions come to you via the ALCTSCentral list. You can also check the ALCTS Connect space.


  • Nominating Committee presents slate of candidates to the ALCTS Office.
  • Send update report to ALCTS President. (section chairs and division committee chairs only)
  • Issue call to committee members for topics or ideas to develop the committee’s agenda for the Midwinter Meeting.


  • Room assignments are announced. Communicate time and place of meeting(s) to members in advance of the Midwinter Meeting.
  • Set agenda for the Midwinter Meeting and share with members of the committee.

January: Midwinter Meeting during term of service

  • Chair committee meeting(s).
  • Attend the meeting of the division committee chairs held at the same time and place as the ALCTS All-Sections Executive Committee session on Sunday morning.
  • Chairs of the Budget and Finance, Organization & Bylaws, and Planning Committees are voting members of the ALCTS Board of Directors and, therefore, attend all meetings of the Board.
  • Chairs that are non-Board members are encouraged to attend as many Board meetings as possible especially if they have actions items.
  • Chairs are responsible for presenting any action items from their committees to the Board upon which the Board needs to act.
  • If chairs have no action items or other issues for the Board, a written report should be submitted during or after Midwinter in lieu of an oral report.
  • File a report for your group's activities, preferably before leaving Midwinter. Forms can be submitted electronically using the ALCTS web site. The forms automatically go to the ALCTS Office and to the editor of the ALCTS News.
    Liaisons & Representatives | Interest Groups | Committees and Section Groups
  • Prepare minutes of meeting(s) or assign this task to a committee member. Minutes should be distributed as soon as possible after Midwinter to committee members and the committee’s ALA Connect space.


  • Verify Room Request for Annual.


  • Issue call to members for topics or ideas to develop the committee’s agenda for the Annual Conference.
  • Room assignments for Annual Conference are announced. Communicate time and place of meeting(s) to members in advance of the Annual Conference.


  • Send update report to ALCTS President. (Section Chairs and Division Committee Chairs only)
  • Set agenda for the Annual Conference and share with members of the committee.

June: Annual Conference during term of service

  • Chair committee meeting(s).
  • Attend the meeting of the division committee chairs held at the same time and place as the ALCTS All Sections Executive Committee session on Sunday morning.
  • Chairs of the Budget and Finance, Organization & Bylaws, and Planning Committees are voting members of the ALCTS Board of Directors and, therefore, attend all meetings of the Board.
  • Chairs that are non-Board members are encouraged to attend as many Board meetings as possible especially if they have actions items.
  • Chairs are responsible for presenting any action items from their committees to the Board upon which the Board needs to act.
  • If chairs have no action items or other issues for the Board, a written report should be submitted during or after Annual in lieu of an oral report.
  • File a report, preferably before leaving Annual. Forms can be submitted electronically using the ALCTS Web site. The forms go to the ALCTS Office and to the editor of the  ALCTS News. Liaisons & Representatives | Interest Groups | Committees and Section Groups
  • Prepare minutes of meeting(s) or assign this task to a committee member. Minutes should be distributed as soon as possible after Annual to committee members and the committee’s ALA Connect space.

July: Term of service ends

  • At end of term, chair sends records of the group‘s work to the new chair; sends archival records (excluding minutes, rosters, memos) to the ALCTS Office (alcts@ala.org), if not needed by the incoming chair.
  • Thank the members of your group for their hard work.

Compiled by the ALCTS Leadership Development Committee. Updated August 2018.