Champion Spotlight: Mary Kirk
Mary Kirk is a 2003 ALA Spectrum Scholar. She earned her BA in Administrative Leadership from the College of Liberal Studies and her MLIS from the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Mary has been honored and awarded throughout her library career and studies for her educational work and professional service. She has served on the OU SLIS Advisory Committee for ALA Accreditation, consulted with directors on computer library systems migration, and has been recognized by the Oklahoma Library Association for her work with Information Matrix Camp middle school students where she taught digital citizenship and internet safety. Currently, Mary is a librarian at Rose State College in Midwest City, Oklahoma where she serves as Coordinator, Library Systems & Technical Services.
Mary is a Spectrum Champion! She has graciously volunteered to serve as a Cohort Champion working on outreach to the 2003-2004 Class of Spectrum Scholars. If you are a Scholar from this year please consider emailing Mary to learn more about how you can help support Spectrum’s 20th Anniversary: A Celebration of Community. Cohort Champions have also committed to organizing a networking event in their region, activism, and fundraising efforts.