Intellectual Freedom Advocacy and Education

As members of the American Library Association, we recognize intellectual freedom as a universal human right.1 This right ensures free access to seek and receive information and expression of ideas from all points of view without restriction for every individual of any age, ability, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other form of identity or status. The Library Bill of Rights and Code of Ethics of the American Library Association express core values of our profession and affirm the primacy of intellectual freedom for full participation in a just, equitable, and informed society. We acknowledge our professional obligation to actively defend intellectual freedom rights and to protect the privacy and confidentiality of library users. We advocate for intellectual freedom and strive to educate ourselves, library users, the communities we serve, and the broader society about intellectual freedom and related topics, including privacy, information literacy, and inclusion.

As members of the American Library Association, we recognize intellectual freedom as a universal human right.1 This right ensures free access to seek and receive information and expression of ideas from all points of view without restriction for every individual of any age, ability, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other form of identity or status. The Library Bill of Rights and Code of Ethics of the American Library Association express core values of our profession and affirm the primacy of intellectual freedom for full participation in a just, equitable, and informed society. We acknowledge our professional obligation to actively defend intellectual freedom rights and to protect the privacy and confidentiality of library users. We advocate for intellectual freedom and strive to educate ourselves, library users, the communities we serve, and the broader society about intellectual freedom and related topics, including privacy, information literacy, and inclusion.

1 ALA Policy B.2.1.13, Universal Right to Free Expression

Adopted June 25, 2019, by the ALA Council.