Intellectual Freedom Resources
Core Documents
- Library Bill of Rights
- Library Bill of Rights interpretations
- Library Bill of Rights pamphlets
- Code of Ethics
- Code of Ethics Q&As and Interpretations
- Freedom to Read
- Intellectual freedom policies in the ALA Policy Manual
- Libraries: An American Value
- Intellectual Freedom Advocacy and Education
The Office for Intellectual Freedom hosts and presents in webinars (short for web-based seminar) frequently throughout the year. Presentations are usually transmitted over the web using video conferencing software that features interactive elements and the ability to give, receive and discuss information in real-time. Speakers provide information and resources on a variety of intellectual freedom topics including; censorship, banned books, advocacy, privacy, internet filtering and access to resources.
Our webinars are recorded. After the live event, many of the recordings are accessible at the OIF YouTube channel.
Privacy guidelines and checklists can be found on the Privacy and Confidentiality issues page.
- Guidelines for Reopening Libraries During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee June 8, 2020)
- 3-D Printing in Libraries: Policies & Best Practices (Updated August 2018)
- Confidentiality and Coping with Law Enforcement Inquiries: Guidelines for the Library and its Staff (Updated April 2017)
- Guidelines for Library Policies (Adopted by the Intellectual Freedom Committee June 28, 1994; revised January 19, 2005; March 29, 2014; and June 24, 2019)
- Guidelines for the Development of Policies and Procedures Regarding User Behavior and Library Usage (Adopted by the Intellectual Freedom Committee, January 24, 1993; revised November 17, 2000; January 19, 2005; March 29, 2014; and March 24, 2019)
- Guidelines to Minimize the Negative Effects of Internet Content Filters on Intellectual Freedom (Created 2017)
- RFID in Libraries: Privacy and Confidentiality Guidelines (Approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee, June 27, 2006; amended June 24, 2019)
- Social Media Guidelines for Public and Academic Libraries (Approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee in June 2018)
Beyond Banned Books: Defending Intellectual Freedom throughout Your Library by Kristin Pekoll in 2019
- Banned Books: Defending Our Freedom to Read, by Robert P. Doyle in 2017
- Intellectual Freedom Manual by Trina Magi and Martin Garnar in 2021
- Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy published quarterly
- Intellectual Freedom Blog published 3-4 times a week by various authors. Subscribe to the weekly roundup via the Intellectual Freedom News.
- Banned Books Week Materials Banned Books Week (September 26-October 2, 2021) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. This year's theme is "Books Unite Us. Censorship Divides Us." Sharing stories important to us means sharing a part of ourselves. Books reach across boundaries and build connections between readers. Censorship, on the other hand, creates barriers. Purchases of Banned Books Week materials support the Office for Intellectual Freedom's work in defending and promoting the freedom to read.
Resolutions & Statements
The American Library Association Institutional Repository (ALAIR) is an open access repository, committed to collecting, permanently storing, and providing digital access to the publications and intellectual work of the American Library Association. It is organized into communities reflecting the Divisions, Offices, Committees, and Roundtables that make up ALA. The ALAIR is managed by the American Library Association Archives at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. We invite ALA staff and members to deposit documents directly into ALAIR. Intellectual freedom resolutions, statements and other resources older than two years are archived on ALAIR.
- Access to Accurate Information (Adopted January 24, 2017, by the ALA Council)
- Gun Violence Affecting Libraries, Library Workers, and Library Patrons (Adopted January 24, 2017, by the ALA Council)
- Net Neutrality: An Intellectual Freedom Issue (Adopted February 13, 2018, by the ALA Council. Endorsed by the Committee on Legislation, Intellectual Freedom Round Table, Committee on Professional Ethics, American Association of School Librarians, Library Information Technology Association, and IFC Privacy Subcommittee.)
- Defending Intellectual Freedom: LGBTQ+ Materials in School Libraries (Created by ALA Emerging Leaders team and AASL in 2018)
- Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries (Updated January 2018 by ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom)
- Open to All: Serving the GLBT Community in Your Library (Created by GLBTRT April 9, 2016)
- Privacy (Revised by the IFC Privacy Subcommittee and approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee January 2014)
- Access to Digital Resources and Services (Revised by Intellectual Freedom Committee in 2020)
- Addressing Challenges to Books by Problematic Authors (Adopted January 7, 2022, by the Intellectual Freedom Committee)
- Conflicts of Interest (Adopted by the Committee on Professional Ethics, June 30, 2014; and amended April 30, 2019)
- Enforcement of the Code of Ethics (Adopted January 2009, by the Committee on Professional Ethics; and amended January 28, 2019)
- Ethics and Social Media (Adopted July 2013, by the Committee on Professional Ethics; and amended January 28, 2019)
- Intellectual Freedom and Censorship (Created 2007)
- Labeling and Rating (Approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee on April 6, 2006; updated January 16, 2010; and June 24, 2019)
- Makerspaces, Media Labs and Other Forums for Content Creation in Libraries (Created 2017)
- Meeting Rooms (Approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee June 24, 2019)
- Privacy and Confidentiality (Developed by the Intellectual Freedom Committee's (IFC) Privacy Subcommittee; approved by the IFC April 14, 2005; amended June 26, 2006; October 30, 2006; January 23, 2012; July 1, 2014; and July 29, 2019)
- Responding to and Preparing for Controversial Programs and Speakers (Approved by the Intellectual Freedom Committee on June 2018)
- Religion in American Libraries (Revised by the Intellectual Freedom Committee on January 26, 2020)
- Workplace Speech (Adopted by the Committee on Professional Ethics, July 2001; Amended January 2004, June 26, 2006, January 24, 2007, July 1, 2014; and amended April 30, 2019)
Assistance and Consultation
The staff of the Office for Intellectual Freedom is available to answer questions or provide assistance to librarians, trustees, educators and the public about intellectual freedom issues and resources. Areas of assistance include policy development, First Amendment issues, and professional ethics. Inquiries can be directed via email to or via phone at (312) 280-4226.