Key Moments at JCLC


By: Rose Rodriguez, Public Services Librarian, Northwest Vista Collegewe%20here%202

Benjamin Alire Saenz blessed us as the speaker for the opening session at JCLC. I sat there unable to focus on anything but his words. Being able to relate to him in so many ways and having him speak of the significance of our profession touched my spirit. The energy and love I felt at the conference impacted me so deeply that it continues to follow me.

I didn’t know what to expect from attending my first conference. I was just hoping to get ideas and tools I could use to help students succeed but I ended up with much more. I introduced myself to a few of the session facilitators and I hope to keep in contact with them in the future. I spoke with Eva Rios-Alvarado @EvaRiosAlvarado ‏ at the Pushing the Margins: Women of Color and Intersectionality in LIS book release. I mentioned that I came across her Library’s LibGuide on Student Equity and how it was helpful for me. We also talked about future goals and how we’re both librarians at a Community College. Liz Zepeda @LizZepeda714, Ingrid Ruffin, and Charissa Powell @CharissaAPowell‏, from the University of Tennessee Knoxville, had a session on creating an inclusive teaching practice through literary, feminist, queer, and critical theory. This session was very beneficial. I appreciated the activities and discussions we had. I realized there’s so much I don’t know and I need to be more proactive with my own learning. Jennifer Ferretti @CityThatReads is someone I discovered through social media and the We Here community. It was great to be able to meet her in person and to let her know how much she’s helped me as a new librarian. Teresa Moreno @LibFeminista ‏was the first person I spoke to at the conference. Her vibrant and caring personality made me feel a part of.

The best advice I can share when you’re attending a conference is don’t be afraid to go up to someone and introduce yourself. Thank you to all of the individuals that shared their experiences in LIS as a POC. Before attending JCLC I felt inadequate and unsure of what I could bring to the table, but for the first time I have self-acceptance. I feel at ease and comfortable in my own skin.

Thank you JCLC and those that continue to provide mentorship and open arms to new librarians like myself.