Media Relations Handbook for Libraries
Table of Contents
How Can Media Attention/Publicity Help At Your Library?
Developing and Implementing a Simple Media/Communications Plan
What Outreach Tools Will Work At Your Library? Your Tactics
When Is It Best to Plan Your Release, Event or Program? Your Timing and Time Line
What Will I Need to Draft for my Campaign or Outreach? Your Materials
Who Should Do the Talking? Your Spokespeople
How Can You Make the Most with a Limited Budget? Your Resources
What Lessons Have You Learned? Your Evaluation
Tools, Tips and Tricks of the Trade
Preparing for All Kinds of Interviews
Sample Public Service Announcement
Media Relations Handbook for Libraries (PDF 651 KB)
Macey Morales
Media Relations Manager
Heather Cho
Media Relations Specialist
Image credits:1.A user at the new Pierce County Job + Business center is helped by a library employee. Photo by Washington State Library; 2. Teen using e-reader at Myrtle Grove Middle School in Wilmington, North Carolina Jennifer LaGarde; 3. Mother and son at Centro Library. 4. Storytime at Virginia Beach (Va.) Public Library; 5.Rachel Schott works on a computer at the New Orleans Public Library Lakeview Branch. Photo by Gates Foundation.